Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Winged Warrior is now gone


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Yesterday morning , recovering from illness brought on by some bad food, I awakened to just going to vote, some medicine and bed. I went and got a VCR tape for Tuesday’s episode of SOA. As I went into one of our friendly food stores, I reminded the clerk to vote. Her response was, “ Why vote? Nobody wants to hear what I have to say anyway” Oh how those who don’t understand the costs of keeping this nation free.

So I got my vid tape, came home here to the Wolf’s Den, and headed to bed.

About 15:00 hours, got news from Yuma that one of the 214’s Winged Warriors(BlackSheep Squadron) was shot down over Kandahar, and that funeral arrangements are in order. The Winged Warrior was a 2 star, that was not only one of my own CO’s, but my training officer, and a friend and yes even a valued member of both the Knytes as well as the AyreWolvez, that have been asked to do a honor flyover at his funeral, in southern Utah, time and details on our ning blog.

That being said, the clerk at our local food store might not just shrug off the duty, of every citizen in the Union , who does not vote. Think of it this way, if few vote the privilege to do so might soon be gone. America is rapidly becoming a Commy nation, our rights, freedoms, of which myself and many of my fellow Winged Warriors have risked or lives, for may soon be gone forever, if more do not excersize our right to vote. Despite the slight beauricratic bullshit to do so, as well as the what? 10 minutes or so to go in the booth, pull the curtain, and punch holes in a little blue card, should not be of a too much out of the way thing.

I’m not much of a diplomat, hell I’m a Winged Warrior, I’d rather shoot and forget, rather than sitting at a talk table, but think if your not even willing to vote, then when things go into the latrine with domestic policy , then shut the hell up about it. Too many complain yet do little to fix the problem.

Any mile, I’m sitting here with a bottle of JD, and mourning, so might not even fly in to work today, but you gotta ask, how can a nation so messed up, even for one millisecond not vote?

It’s just amazing.

L8R Confederate Aviators


Quote of the day:
We live in a Newtonian world of Einsteinian physics ruled by Frankenstein logic. - David Russell
Romans 13:1“[Submission to the Authorities] Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”

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AFTER BURNER HazzTail_thumb

Ya’ll can lead the mule to the water, but you can’t make it drink, and if you hold its head in the bucket all it will do is drown