Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tiz the season to be going towing

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Awoke this morning to snow on the ground, and while no big earth shaking deal,even good ole Dixie Towing got two slide off’s and two stuck. Thankfully no wrecks , at least on our end.

When it snows in Hazzard County , I’m reminded of two songs, one is from Alabama called, “Christmas in Dixie” the other one is from C.W. McCall , called Roses for Mama. Oh yes I know, Red Sovine sang the song as well.  During this time of year, while B E A you Tee Full, is also a time for sorrow for ye ole AyreWolf. It’s that one time of year that , I am reminded that I am indeed alone. At least only partly. As I know Kahless is walking beside me.

Now I knew this freight train was coming down the traxx , so let me outline my thoughts here. While forming a he & she bond between the gal I met online here is an added bonus with the gal in Arkansas , its not the only thing. The basic plan is to come down there, get to know you, maybe stay a short spell, find ME a place to live, shop, hangar etc. If it clicks between her and I, great. If not, hey we had a few laughs, good times, but I get out of the land of Yankee stupid, in MY OWN PLACE !! As it is a big jump. From being independent for what now 25 years or so, to a built in completely assembled family. As it is, albeit not generally known, a 4 legged wolf as I am as well is not a lone mammal. A wolf is a community type, as such needs a pack, or family.

While the conditions of my life is a bit more complicated than many, as I have a career and a life, sharing that life with someone entering my latter laps of the race of life is desirable. Now the press and media, sprout match making, websites say you can meet the love of your life, and while risks are great, since men going to see a gal, can mean hearing the words from behind a blind, “Hi I’m Chris Hansen from NBC NightLine” or worse. The reverse of this is seldom if ever portrayed. Since it is assumed that men are always the aggressor, never the victim. I beg to differ there, but that is a subject for a different blog entry. Long, LONG, before, I’d really serious with any gal, from experience, I want to really, REALLY, know someone well, before I even consider any kind of physical union, in any way, both emotional or sexual. It’s one thing to cast talent for films, TV shows, radio station promotions etc, its another thing to get really personal. I have made friends this way, two of which I truly treasure, one lives in nearby Jerome Idaho, whom I really enjoy her company , as well as the friendship with her husband and kids, heck occasionally we go to church together. The other lives in nearby Caldwell, same thing, I like her, as well as her husband and kids. But I draw the line between employee and someone personal. So honey from Arkansas you need not fret none, it’s not JUST YOU that , I was coming down your way. Spending time with you would only be a bonus.

Sure hope the plows get out soon, but oh yes, Tiz the season to be going Towing.

Feeling a bit better today,but still feeling a bit weak, but am getting along okay.

L8R Confederates

me wolf blog signature WE REALLY LUV TOEWZ

Quote of the day:
I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves. - Ludwig Wittgenstein
Psalm 95:1-2“[Psalm 95] Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.”

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Some dayz I yearn for a rebel biker gal-AyreWolf