Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wuzz it worth it?

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When I look at the many toe stubbing mistakes I have made over the last 15 years or so, moving back into Idaho is number one on that list. The move was made in the albeit fatal attempt to preserve a relationship with a bar hop, from Wyoming that turned out to be , again albeit, good looking, but turned out to be nothing more than a using, abusing crack whore. Shortly after arriving where I thought in my mind , I’d never reside again, on the shores of the mountain desert of central Idaho, and this was the wake up call, when she and crew got popped on a Federal warrant, guess who got hauled in as well? Talk about using alot of favors and former associated favors of SAMCRO, to bail my ass out. The trial found me not guilty, but after that her ass and famdamnly was out the door, along with her real bo , that I was told was a son. So I found myself, truly alone in an area, I once called home. In the process of rebuilding my operations, the first one came with a sub station for AyreWolf Aviation. Followed closely by Dixie Towing. The club also began a rebuild of sorts, and in an effort to gain some altitude with some local media, tapped in via a text message with the local finger of what now is RTV, then the CW, that got bought by KIFI-8 out of Idaho Falls. With that, got conned into accepting a sales job, with KPIF, in so doing, up rooted to Pocatello. Looking back that in itself was stupid, but the move did produce unexpected results. I got a 4 hour a week gig at Pocatello’s Cable Access Channel, for and of both the AyreWolvez and the Knytes-of-Anarchy. In so doing recruited some honeys for some proposed TV projects from a bikini bar in Pocky, where a bouncer thinking I was stealing some of his thunder started a pissing match with ye ole Wolf. If I have said it once, I’ll say it again, had I then knew it was him, he really would have been in a ditch south of Pocatello feeding flies, and I would have remained in Pocatello, or at least near there. But oh well.

Then surfing the web saw news that a Nuke power plant was going to be built near Goons Ferry and needing a change of environment I moved there , thinking I could at least get a job doing something at that Nuke plant, maybe rebuild my own operation near there, and who knows, help give a push to that sub charter of the Knytes. So I moved. So set up a space in the Mountain Home News to write a thing for and of life in Hazzard and memories of the Dukes-of-Hazzard. Nothing more. In so doing once I unloaded the last stick of furniture, some Holier than though types in Mountain Home found one line of one of those blogs that I stated that not only them but all who voted for Obamabeenlyin did not have the brains of a maggot. Well this got quite a few pee-owed and thus ensued a feud, so in July of 2009, one year nearly after moving to Goons Ferry, I once again pulled up stakes after the guy who rented me my home, went bankrupt and so to Gooding I went. The rest of 2009, was none too kind, but I survived. Moved to Bliss, and with some strongly pushed suggestions, moved here to Buhl. Where life has turned around in a good way. Maybe its my need for instant gratification on operations, maybe its my need to gain some altitude from the mere $1100.00 I make between SSA and such to get away from SSA and make real green. But the instant gratification while getting there, is a bit too slow, for this high octane wyld kaynyne. Sure the by sheer coincidence getting together with Chuck, and a future partnership is in the works and all, but is it worth hanging on here or would a better course be, to say piss on it, and roll east to areas where I entered the tater state?

So Wuzz it Worth it? Yes and no, Yes, that I learned that even with wanting to rewind history to renew lost ground for and of the club, that much of the horsepower once here is no longer here, and quite a few who do not really want that power to resurface. While things Hazzard County are great on TV and in memories, the reality is, it’ll never happen at least to the degree that it did from 1979 to 1983 for me.

The no part? It was not worth the money, loss of income and even a bit of self worth lost but that is the cost, not to mention money lost through loss of radio gear, and towing seasons, at least for Dixie Towing of Idaho. Some have suggested, while others have just right out yelled , get the hell out of there, and while they do that yelling, I know that before I close this door, I’m going to make sure of where, if I do move , is the place to relocate too. Besides, there is this possible partnership with Chuck and A2J, the radio werx here in Buhl, but come September next year I’ll know, more.

L8R Rebels

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Quote of the day:
You know you're getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you're down there. - George Burns
1 Peter 2:15-16“For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God.”

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