Monday, November 29, 2010

Don’t tell all you know.


Even when its sub zero the members come together at Knytes Hall and I’m greatful and thankful that happens each month. Some were still on away missions with family, but for those that were here , it was better than okay.

I fully agree with the rest of the leadership of the club, that way too much 411 or as the geeks of the X generation say it TMI, goes out about the inner workings and all of the club, only to be devoured by the MHI hecklers. So as the wordsmith and mouthpiece of the club, I will only put out what's needed and required and nothing more, until the SSL site is 10-24. Then a greater range of FYEO 411 will be dispatched.

Since I have not fired LiL Dixie in a couple of days, don’t know if he’ll crank today. As best and good as they are, those Optima batteries are not so Optimal. More like optional. And only in really warm weather. Thinking of adding a second battery this month, but it means, putting General Jackson into service a bit early. Still need to work out the bugs and kinks on him as well, but hey, when you buy any ride under $3k, expect some things to not be as would be in a newer or less miles ride. That said, once all is wringed out, that 2.3 4 will get me around much better to explore new turff. Going to float an ad in the local paper on the Fund raising for KDXB/ CSTVN , this will be one way to test the market. If nobody, or none contribute, we then know that radio in Buhl is not worth the worry, and to be getting ready for the relocate come May or June, rather than September 2011 as would be otherwise. Even then finding a body to manage the thing, at least to Hazzard standards is going to be tuff. There just are not enuff people in the immediate Buhl area, that knows enuff about both Hazzard, the modern Confederacy, and the club to make that truly meld together, but I as commanded, will endeavor to do the best I can. Enuff said on that.

L8R Confederates

me wolf blog signature our wonder woman

Quote of the day:
To err is human; to forgive, infrequent. - Franklin P. Adams
Psalm 136:1,26“[Psalm 136] Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.”

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Bad tunafish eaten on empty tummy gives one the runs-AyreWolf