Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Internet is becoming the place for loosers, without other things to do.

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Remember back when ye ole CB radio was the latest thing? Most of the women that sat on base stations yapping all night, were fat, old, and stunk worse than a dawgs pen. Then if you did find one, that was tolerable looks wise, she usually was on some controlled narcotic, had 6 kids , and had more emotional baggage than most gear splitters and all would want to handle.

The Internet is becoming that way. If you look at FaceBook, most of the time, the photo on the profile is , repeat NOT THEM, its a cropped photo of some gal from a porn site. I have only met maybe two or maybe 3 online, that was worth messing with, but even then I go in with caution.

Full time going towing , here. Had a call this morning that took near 4 hours to clean up. Ya’ll would think that if someone is consuming brew and gets snagged for it, that the perp, should have to help clean up all the beer cans. And who drinks that low priced shit anyway. Just makes ya’ll consider that some have no taste.

Hope Chuck get’s my assigned truck fixed this week. Chuck says that 19 is hard to start when its cold without starting fluid. For some reason, I don’t have trouble with the older gal. Granted its a Jerr Dan fluid boom, but hey, that’s what tows. Thing is even as good as 19 is, when it comes to brute strength, DixieBelle still out pulls. I’m still waiting for my new one. Ordered it late September. Its a new Holmes 552, on an older truck, that’s coming from Portland. Jerry up there says it would take 4 months, as the 552 had to come out of Tennessee. Tried to get a cassette stereo in it, but since I can’t now need to upgrade my radio gear to burn CD’s. Saw a thing from BSW that will do that, it takes the content from a cassette tape and copies it on a CD.

Any mile, need to say this to the jerx, I’ll bet you didn’t call all the tow services in Twin. If ya’ll did, Chuck would have told me.

Need a shower since I smell like diesel fuel.

See ya’ll early Monday.


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Quote of the day:
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. - Douglas Adams
1 Timothy 2:1-2“[Instructions on Worship] I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

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By the way AD , Chuck is going to be handling my money, Chuck ain’t no dummy, and last but not least, he is turning me loose with two of his trucks, to run the Buhl yard. Na
