Friday, November 5, 2010

Sometimes its best to go to Hazzard !!

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Personalized service, is I think a thing of the past. Example, tried to speak with a customer service rep on GoDaddy, guess what, after being led down the push the button path I was told wait for 6 minutes and a customer rep, that most likely only speaks some language other than English will try to help me. My question, how do you order a damn thing from them without using plastic. No biggy, the only way to do that is get a prepaid Visa card and order, at least I figured that out myself, but dang dong it, does it take that long to answer the damn phone.

Okay , why was I at GoDaddy anyway? Well found that the web site we asked Mike our current web consultant to register for the was not registered. So since I was sitting at a BARCO lounger drinking a mix of old Scotch and some other concockshun talking with Ben Jones, aka Cooter here he suggested that we use the same outfit to build our site, that he did. See they already have what is platforms or software, for e-commerce, and so on. So we are going to not only use Mike, but also Cooter’s webmaster. Get this off the tarmac. But getting back on track. Ben and Alma two of the greatest people I have ever met and who solidified my loyalty to all things Hazzard County, not only in the beginning , but even today, run Cooter’s Place in Tennessee, as well as Maryland, by doing something remarkable. If you call them, they answer the phone, without a computerized menu to wade through. Sure Cooter’s Place might not have the traffic that GoDaddy , might have. But I can tell you this, Ben estimated that there are at least 3,000 transactions going on from Cooter’s store an hour. Thing is either Cooter, Alma or one of his associates answers the phone, and it wont be from somebody who speak Mexican. Or some other none Southern bred English.

Yes this means another slight delay in building the ultimate rural hot rodders web site for and of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, but between Mike and Cooter’s webmaster and Abacast, it’ll be up before you know it.

Any way, getting ready for our flyover here in about 3 hours, so talk at ya’ll this evening. But when it comes to personalized service, sometimes its best to go to Hazzard.

L8R Knytes

me wolf blog signature  12

Quote of the day:
The government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. - Ronald Reagan
Romans 13:6“This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.”

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