Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Your online Friend might not be real

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Any time this situation creeps up, I have to remind myself , that good pal online just might be like the dying guy on the plains looking for water., What looks like a pond, might be just a mirage. I looks good until you try to take a drink, only to find its just sand.

Remember our old compatriot Bazookaman from MHI? Not saying for sure, but since I moved from Goon’s Ferry, he has not called, emailed or anything. So with the bullshit that flows from AD’s site, Every once inawhile I’ll send him one of the blogs that YOU KNOW WHO, can’t help but take notice of, and yep, it get’s posted. Now this might just be from the snoops of AD’s, but not entirely. I do think , at times, old Mike, might not be the compatriot he once was.

Overnight, one of my best advisors and friends of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, called me and asked, just how well do you know this honey from Arkansas that your getting your shorts wet over? Have you extended a few tests to see if she performs? What happens , if ya’ll cruise down there in mid March, and she thinks, ya’ll ain’t what she is wanting? More over, how do you know that there ain’t some guy sitting there by the name of Bubba, with a loaded 12 gauge, waiting on ya’ll? 2,500 miles is a hell of a long ways to be yelling help from.

So yes , I’m feeling the deal out very carefully. I also remember a sweety I met in Tooele Utah years ago, that was hot to trot, but when it came down to it, I was fodder to get an ex all jealous. One of the few times I was nearless homeless. At least in Tooele there was Cuzzin Bud not too far away. So to close this morning, look before you leap, that online friend, just might not be.

L8R Confederates.

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Quote of the day:
A bore is a man who deprives you of solitude without providing you with company. - Gian Vincenzo Gravina
Psalm 119:105“נ Nun Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”

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