Friday, November 5, 2010

Knytes looking to HQ in Eastern Idaho


The latest Buzz around Hazzard County is; that the Knytes-of-Anarchy – aka – The Hazzard County Knytes Kustmz Association is looking at relocating the organizations HQ to Eastern Idaho. Locations include, Idaho Falls, BlackFoot and American Falls, Idaho. Consideration of the locations will include affordable office/studio space there , below $300.00 per month, shop workhouse space for $350.00 a month or lower, as well as advanced infrastructure accommodations. The lists of why is rather long, but on the short list 68% of the current membership at least founding membership of the organization lives/works in Northern Utah, Western Wyoming, and Eastern, to north Eastern Idaho. So this is the direction being looked at. However a sub station office will be secured to Buhl, to maintain legacy issues as well as KDOH, FM there, but looking over everything, there are more opportunities in Eastern Idaho for the club there. As far as myself and AyreWolf Aviation. With 60% of AyreWolf Aviation, based at Bountiful SkyPark, and 40% in western Wyoming, namely Evanston and Fort Bridger Wyoming, I am looking there to move come mid summer. As far as radio spectrum allocation abilities, both American Falls Idaho, Arco Idaho, and Fort Bridger Wyoming are available to advance our media werx in those locations. We have membership in both locations scouting out locations for this effort. Sure, I moved away from there , for all the wrong reasons. Mostly due to a pissing match between a bikini bar bouncer and I. If , I could have put together who he was at the time, I could just whack the guy and not had to move, likewize the money that has cost me. But that’s what that is. To hinder the club because of just one or two idiots, there in Pocatello, is not proper business minded operations. As far as I am concerned, being in Idaho has been a total waste of my time, money, and effort. What has been done here, I could have done by mail, email and an occasional visit. I do not need to be here. Likewize as far as the club is concerned, remember its an organization , not just me. The fact that as of a year ago organizations elections, I advanced from Operations Director to Executive Director, likewise took over command of the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association, when then Commander and President of that sibling of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, Sam Beeson of Utah, passed away, on Marine duty in the Gulf. Also, the reason the name of the club was changed from the Hazzard County Knytes to the Knytes-of-Anarchy was so that we could move the club to a more urban, more friendly area, should we need to, to better serve our membership. So that’s what’s going on.

That’s the Hazzard County Buzz for Friday. The 5th of November 2010.

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Quote of the day:
Silent gratitude isn't very much use to anyone. - Gertrude Stein
Romans 13:6“This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.”

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