Friday, November 5, 2010

Just , how dedicated are they?

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There are several things that determine the status of dedication of members of the Knytes-of-Anarchy. One of those is the digging in one’s jeans, when the means of the club are lean. With the website that will include our streaming as well as over the air radio station within weeks being launched, is it too much to ask for a few bucks to help offset some of the expense? If just 20 members, coughed up $50.00 each, that would be a $1,000.00 which helps pay some of the operational costs, each month, but even that is a drop in the proverbial bucket. Do you even realize that just the audio control consol of a good radio station is costs nearly $6,000.00? Oh yes you can scrimp, and get lower cost consols , but the quality is just not up to Hazzard County standards. Of course the radio station project is and has been my baby, since the idea came about at the time the club was founded. So I have been funding the thing since and currently. But even at me making $1,000.00 an hour flying, the fact is, many expenses come out of that $1,000.00 an hour, from fuel for the Lady, to insurance, hangar fees and that’s just the short list. In essence I can’t do it all. Sure we are out there pounding the pavement trying to presell the ad banners and on air ad time, but the 10 or so active members on the radio werx committee, can only do so much. How dedicated are you? Sure the Yankee created depression that we are still under, and remember you voted to keep the riff raff still in power, just this last Tuesday, but still the beans of the club are lean. The club needs your help. Look ya’ll spend , $50.00 on going out to the movies and eating out at Waffle House, surely you could cut a check out for $50.00 for the benefit of the club, as well as the advancement of the modern confederacy. The club has ad time booked for RTV(Retro TV Network) as well as other local outlets and talks are in the werx for a regional ad buy, to get folks to the site to tune in. The time that we need you and the few throw away dollars you have is now, let me repeat, NOW!!

Of course, there is the Hazzard County Nationals, aka-DukesFest West in 2012. Then the lobbying in both state, and on the Federal level, for things like a Military Veterans Aviation memorial, a Sons of Confederate Veterans memorial, why not salute those who died on both sides of the bloodiest war this nation has ever fought?

Sure many of you pass the initiation rituals, many pass the other tests of dedication, you spend billions of dollars annually on the Home Shopping Channel, religious donations and other things, why not support us, YOUR club, Your organization. Sure those doing so , we thank very much. and yes the Knytes-of-Anarchy is doing good, even better than most specialty automotive organizations, but the Knytes have grown to so much more than the simple grass roots hot rod / DoH fan club we started as. We have grown into a political organization as well, advancing the Confederate States of America platform and ideals. And we need you NOW!! So the question is; Just how Dedicated to the club are you? Show us, by sending your contribution to:

our buisness card  12

It’s no longer just sharing blood from slicing your hands on our doctar knife, we need the green. So take a portion of your weed and brew money and send it out to us today, show us, Just how Dedicated YOU are.

L8R Knytes


Quote of the day:
Tip the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles. - Frank Lloyd Wright
Romans 13:6“This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.”

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