Friday, November 19, 2010

Animals that are sick wants to be left alone!!

HCT 1 ayrebuzz 1

If there is a condition of a situation it is that all animals, even mammals who when sick or not feeling well , just want to be left alone, to lick wounds or at least heal. Such has been the condition of ye ole AyreWolf here for nearly a week. Now of course , health care providers say my acid reflux will pass, since it is just my body adjusting to the constant flow of bile into my stomach since my surgery last Friday. However , I’m not so sure. The same situation reared its ugly head last year , after I ate some contaminated food at the Skinny Pig in Bliss, in April. That might have been the kick off. Could it be subsequent meds I have been taking since? Like for my DVT or just a switch in atmospheric conditions. Considering change of seasons. I can remember years ago at the outset of what began as mere gallstones then, that caused a operation to rip out my appendix, any time the weather changed, I’d get sick. Then after a few weeks, all would be back to normal. Is it , eating at places that are not fully cooking food right? Is it that just the people at such places in trying to save some money using ingredients not exactly fresh? Or is it just something that crawled up inside of me?

What ever it is, for those who care, especially my soon to be honey in Arkansas , it isn’t that I am not aware you care or are worried, its just I am not in tune and I need time to heal.

Snow is predicated for the weekend, and DixieBelle is ready to handle the load.

L8R Confederates

me wolf blog signature  15

Quote of the day:
There are people who, instead of listening to what is being said to them, are already listening to what they are going to say themselves. - Albert Guinon
Psalm 1:1-2“[BOOK I] Psalms 1–41[Psalm 1] Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.”

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