Thursday, November 4, 2010

FaceBook Ought to be Ashamed and shut down!!!

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FaceBook has some very serious user issues. While FaceBook and its older Cuzzin, MySpace, has become the social websites of the hip crowd, still FaceBook is becoming a center of some serious consumer privacy and even decency issues. FaceBook does not screen anything very good. One of our prospect members of the Knytes, Otis, his female other, gave a raised eyebrow to something , giving the finger to the Great White Spirit. If Facebook is not attacking you that way, they do it the Mexican way, Sneak up and attack, kinda like some women’s underwear. FaceBook will post links to websites, that are questionable at best, and some that are little more than sites that will inject malware, spyware, and virus’s right into your computer. Some of FaceBook’s apps, ask you to give up your privacy. Like asking you to provide them with your contact information. Shit the hackers and cyber crooks must be getting filthy lazy, because now they want YOU to do their dirty work. Example, a site called 21 Questions, is nothing more than a porn site at the surface, and a hack site underneath . FaceBook asks you if you want to report the site, but try, and nope FaceBook does not want you too. Then there are the thousands of match maker, dating sites that are looking for not to match you with a honey, but rather part you from your money. There are still 3 free sites that make the foundation of the Internet, MSN/Hotmail, Yahoo, and of course king Google. While the Knytes have address’s likewize so do I on all but a few social web sites, the only one I really trust is Google. At least when Google fuggles up, Google will fix it and admit there has been and/or had a misfire.

That all said, our webmaster Mike in Boise, is working on building the ultimate Hazzard County flavored website for all fans of the Dukes and of course members of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, there will be parts of the site that are for members only. Like email accounts. That’s right, free email accounts, just like Google’s Gmail, or MSN’s Hotmail. Where Knytes and AyreWolvez members can log on and get email, from . Free of charge. A free chat page, and posting page just like both FaceBook, Twitter, and the ancient reptile, MySpace, does. But what you will not find is postings from etc. Only banner ads of Knytes approved sponsors and supporters, not from fraudulent or next to fraudulent, posters and advertisers. Our site is not just for making fast dollars, ours is to give the just right oomph to the club, the Confederate States Of America, Sons of Kahless, and the Confederate National Party. Likewize, there will be links for the benefit of Marine aviators, both retired as well as active, where yes you will see banner ads from USMC recruiting Command. Most of all , the site will be screened, by us, to make damn sure there is no fly by pieces that can compromise your security nor your integrity.

But that all said, FaceBook ought to be ashamed, but I think too, when our site goes bang at the end of the month, FaceBook and the rest, may loose a bunch of subscribers, more over gain many, and oh yes, there will be no tracking cookies, or scripts, nor anything else, harvesting your personal information. Our site is what the web was meant to be, not like it is.

Sleep is required for our flyover in the PM Friday, so I’m horizontal, but really ; FaceBook, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

L8R Knytes


Quote of the day:
The two symbols of the Republican Party: an elephant, and a big fat white guy who is threatened by change. - Seth MacFarlane
2 Corinthians 3:6“He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”

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