Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Talk about stepping on a land mind

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Apparently there are a few of you, including some Knytes members, that a quirk in the comments I made the other day of talking about the KKK. Shows that what is read is not totally understood. That’s why I love radio, one can hear the inflection of the voice, not just the written page. With that said lets open this can of worms.

First of all , as a member and officer of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, I support our Prime Directive, in that I and the club do not discriminate, against any race, color etc. That said, I do think that protecting our population from those who would want and love to tear down this Union. While I think there is good in everyone, and folks come from where they come from, hell , I myself have Irish, Italian , Native American roots myself. Still if your in this country, and you are communicating with this country’s Government agencies , you ought to be able to speak, write, and read American English, not have to go through having to punch several buttons on the phone to get past every dialect except , American English.

The Feds are moving to weaken our infrastructure, by opening up a highway between Mexico to Canada that will run right through the heartland of this nation , an International Highway, something to do with the NAFTA treaty. This International Highway will be free of taxation to tolls, road taxes and yes domestic law enforcement control. Meaning that a load of explosives or worse could be driven  through America and not stopped until it reached Canada or the other way, down to Mexico. Since the International Highway will have exits, that allows for fuel and food. Means a truck hauling the worst possible load, could stop at a major truck stop, with a horrendous load and go boom, and it’d be disaster, Yet due to the none control provisions of that Highway, who’s inspecting at the borders? Nobody, can you say one hell of a nightmare for the department of Homeland Security? As far as the KKK, I don’t like them, at all, hell I don’t believe in the damn Arian Nations either. I don’t believe in hate of any kind, it ain’t Christian, and it ain’t me. I will not even say that if a sweet good looking gal of any race found ye ole AyreWolf their cup of tea that I wouldn’t at least sample it . More over learning of cultures and traditions of other nations is not a hobby of mine. I relish learning anything I can from what ever source. I have traveled around the world, seen many things, but I do say , if you live in the USA, why not become a citizen of the USA legally, as well as culturally, that means learning to read, write, and speak , OUR language? That’s what I was getting at.


I’m sorry you found our logo for Dixie Towing, of the southern rebel flag with a tow truck in the middle, distasteful. Not that we have not spent I don’t know how many thousands of dollars we as a company have spent with you, and buying your products. It’s not the first time you have seen that logo, on checks and order forms, so why bitch now? That Confederate flag, unlike the KKK, which I’m not exactly in love with, but the Confederate Flag is not one of hate. To me and the Knytes-of-Anarchy, that Confederate Flag means the reverence and love of our Confederate States. Anyone who can’t see past that is more narrow minded and in a way racist themselves. Acceptance goes both ways. Thing is in closing, here. Folks really need to read what is written and try to look past their noses at what is meant not just written.

Remember the season finale of SOA is on tonight. It’s on FX, 23:00 hours our time and its a 90 minute episode.

Last weeks episode was a wrencher with more switchbacks than Idaho highway 55 between McCall and Boise.

To: Our; Nurse GoodBody who seems to be under the weather with tummy troubles, you are in my prayers , hope ya’ll get to feeling better soon.

L8R Confederates:

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Quote of the day:
Furious activity is no substitute for understanding. - H. H. Williams
2 Peter 3:10-11“But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives”

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