Saturday, November 13, 2010



For all the disbelievers out there, and there are many, the real SAMCRO has become one with the Knytes-of-Anarchy. While the Hazzard County Knytes were a other than MC group, at the time, it was on a excursion by myself and my first encounter of wedded life that upon the need for some minor fix on my ryde at the time, in the medium sized town of ChowChilla(Charming) California , that over a few beers and grub , the exchange of some family history that it was learned by both us and the MC that the original 9 founders of SAMCRO included my Dad and my step brother. Years of letters, phone calls, and yearly visits even after that person whom I thought I’d take down the path to the alter never happened, but the MC and I started work to bring the Knytes into a bigger picture. In 1994, after TV head cheeses canned the TV show that was the basis of the Hazzard County Knytes , discussions began of forming an Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah charter of SAMCRO. In 1996 we all met at the then WestBank Motel in Idaho Falls, Idaho, and the foundation for the rest of the charters of SAMCRO was carved out. To remain loyal to the crest, of SAMCRO it was decided that a slight tweaking of the name for the outside of California charters to the Knytes –of – Anarchy would be that name. The operation remained hush, hush until, over a real pissing match that I underwent in Pocatello and moved to Goons Ferry, that a pitch from Sutter Ink, and FoX to dramatize the club, that the idea to unleash and uncover the two clubs was made. In November 2008 the order was gave by President Clay Torfin of SAMCRO, that the Knytes-of-Anarchy came into its own light. That all said, make no mistake, the Knytes-of-Anarchy is the real, repeat, REAL, SAMCRO.

However that being that, the Knytes have retained much of the siblings of our original group, starting off with of course, the AyreWolvez, Military Aviation Association, The Rode Eaglez, and HCC. Along with those , although discussion of disbanding it, as the extension no longer fits in with the Knytes, the Deere Dazzlers Association a group founded in 1999 for those into vintage and performance John Deere’s .

With all that said, since the resurgence of the Idaho charter, there has been a somewhat bad taste in many members mouths for much of the area that the club was founded in, in Idaho. There will be retained an Idaho charter, however the HQ of that charter will be in either Burley or American Falls Idaho. My understanding is more American Falls. As there is a allocation for FCC radio airspace there, as well as access to a larger infrastructure than western Idaho can create or maintain.

Now then, here’s a sneak peak in to next seasons SOA, on FX. There will be written into the story line of SOA, our story here in KOA. (Knytes-of-Anarchy). Much of that production will be done in Wyoming and Utah , with just a smidge in Idaho, to show where our side was formed in, but that’s all that will be done in Idaho.

There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth when you know who, boo-hoo’s when that production is being done here in western Idaho. Then what will you know who do?

So in closing after a long night’s grooving of this months overnight meeting of the Knytes, know this; The Knytes-of-Anarchy is the REAL, SAMCRO.

L8R Rebels

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Quote of the day:
One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done. - Marie Curie
1 Peter 2:15-16“For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God.”

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