Tuesday, November 16, 2010

When the body catches up with time

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Here lately, I have been undergoing much in the negative body ailments. First it was a serious case of what I thought was serious cramps in my legs, turned out it was Deep Vein Thrombosis. Then it was what I determined some really bad food poisoning. What it was , was gall stones, that was somewhat fixed this past week with a albeit minor surgery, I no longer have a gallbladder. Between that and serious tooth pain, that again, I got cured by oral surgery, it is a fact that while the mind says go, the body says no.

Considering that for nearly 40 years even from mid teen youth I have been running at near physical warp speed in service to the Knytes-of-Anarchy, as well as the Confederate militia. Over those years I have not taken a true get away, forget it all, vacation. Everything I have done has been in service of the Confederate States of America, and I am proud that I have had the chance to serve and plan to continue for at least another 10 years. Mixed in with all of this, I have ran proudly Dixie Towing-of Idaho, as well the formation and full operation of AyreWolf Aviation. However , I’m finding as I said that as I grow older , my mind is writing checks, that my body , just can’t cash. I tire easily, I find , I’m needing more sleep,and as such advancing age, I’m required to begin steps, to delegate authority, and appoint others, younger than me, to run things.

Monday, Cuzzin Bud, took me to Boise, to meet with attorney’s to finalize some legal situations, regarding the Montgomery Trust. That is beginning to find itself grinding out of a major suit, concerning the recent bankruptcy of Flying J Inc, and subsequent sale to Pilot Travel Plazas. With that , such extensions as Big Sky Transport, the Flying J brand of what is Southern Eagle Xpress, amongst others, means, much more responsibilities. Being responsible for over $850,million bucks is a big responsibility, and one I’m not relishing. This means putting such people as Chuck, Ricky, 2nd Cuzzin Gordon and others from accountants, assembling a new Board of Trustees, and legal entities, and one can understand that as much as physical discomfort, its discomfort from a stress point.

This past Knytes-of-Anarchy, meeting, I was appointed as VEE-PEE, or Vice President of the organization, which while I know is a big move, I will not lie , when I say, I’m a bit spooked over it all.

So if I am not readily available for all consultations, and if there is some rough patches that will come as the new board of officers etc are put into place after a lot of training and all, I still am out towing, and again this summer flying.

With that said, in March, I’m looking at taking a very long away mission on a personal nature, as I believe , I have found a sweet lady, in Arkansas that will be , unless I miss my guess, will be my mate.

So yes there is much to do between March and now, but its missions that must be done, to maintain operations to the excellence level that all members of not only the Knytes-of-Anarchy, but the parent organization the United, American Independent Truckers Association, have depended on for 45 years.

But the body is tyring down and finding those qualified both inside and even outside the organization able to step in, will not be easy, but must be done. As the body needs rest and so do I.

L8R Confederates

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Quote of the day:
Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than when they are convinced beyond doubt that they are right. - Laurens Van der Post
Psalm 119:18“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”

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