Monday, November 15, 2010

Cyber Bullying is getting worse

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For whatever beyond imagination idea that the jerx in MHI think that I’m the worst person walking the planet, or at least walking in their part of it, its not just me they are messing with when they put down , or defame the Knytes-of-Anarchy, the Knytes years ago , assembled an exclusive part of the club to deal with problems regarding reputation. That group barrows much of its being from the Klingon, Honor Guard. If the law can’t or wont deal with a problem the Honor Guard will, and in very seriously fatal ways. However that said the problem started in Goons Ferry, shortly after I arrived there in mid 2008. Instead of just commenting on the MHN’s blog I wrote, some self appointed vigilantes decided to declare war on my, and mixed in things dealing with the Knytes. The first of these was getting a free blog we as a club had up, that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost revenue. The Honor Guard was willing to silence those involved in hurting the club, but a request from a local sheriffs deputy, through me, put a recess to that. That same deputy said he would dig into it. Never did, nothing happened, and the few attorney’s, until the one we have now, would even dig into the problem. The second happening was one of them who we traced down to both a legal consulting firm, and one who works at the local courthouse as one of the court clerks, who kicked a major fund raiser project for the club and a treasured charity in the head. Again the same cop, said he’d dig into it. Never did. The list goes on, but I noticed from the hate against the club and me had a posting that said, bomb threats were taken seriously these days. So is cyber bullying. Although few laws are on the books for cyber bullying, and few prosecutors will go after it, if the law can’t fix this, the Honor Guard will. As for me, I’ll have little to do with the attack, will not even be in the area, and what happens, happens. Hey I shut up. I did what the cop told me to do, so did the club. But with one of those holier than though, posted a comment on our Merchants Circle account, the Honor Guard was not amused , while the attorney route is the first course, the other course is not that far off. If they , and we all know who THEY , are our company, as Dixie Towing-of-Idaho, HCC, Southern Steele Media is partly owned by the club, not just me, they are poking their noses in where they need not be poking. I’m afraid though, if those doing the poking, understand, if they keep taunting, the club, there are going to be a few kids, without families at least daddy’s this holiday season. But hey I’m not doing it.

Bottom line, they shut up, and stay out of my and the club’s business, we stay out of theirs. Keep sticking their beaks into places they not be sticking, I’m not responsible for the outcome. I can be forgiving and passive, the club wont. One suggested that the Feds would be paying me a visit, oh I sure hope so. If the Feds reviewed any of this, they would say our actions are justifiable. And as far as a bomb threat, no , nothing like that, but there will be an explosion, unlike these idiots have ever experienced, but hey we did what the cops suggested these MHI jerx didn’t.

So it goes.

My insides are really are on fire. Seems as the operation Friday, although was successful, having constant bile flowing inside my belly, makes me feel pukey all the time. But, nobody else is going to run my tow truck, or go plow snow. So hey, box of Tumms and insulated coveralls. Found new territory east of Jerome, going with Chuck to look Wednesday.


Official ayrewolf signature  adxelexi 

Quote of the day:
There is no human problem which could not be solved if people would simply do as I advise. - Gore Vidal
Psalm 119:143“Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands are my delight.”

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