Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wandering mind during a long flyte


Doesn’t anyone ever work anymore? Has the deep dark depression caused some serious collapse in the ability for people to just hold onto what they have and even work to improve and expand it? Consider this, near noon, called a number to a shop space in Twin next to ours wanting some 411 on it. Know what? Of course the fartknockers were not there, same thing sniffing out a space near Buhl, where Chuck and I want to expand. But then I get to thinking , on these long flytes. Even though my brain is bizzy doing my flying, still like driving , at times, the mind gets to wandering. So I got to thinking, and much of it, is because Cuzzin Bud has been at the helm, of the treasury of all things Eagle Starr Farmz or what is left of it. But beyond the fact that there is not much of the farm left, all the siblings have stayed intact. Kept hiring,kept busy and even made good ROI’s. From AyreWolf Aviation, to Southern Eagle Xpress to Southern Steele Tranzport, we have not only kept much of our old staff, but have added on. How? By living on less, sacrificing where and when needed, and as such in just a few more months I can say thank you to SSA and be on our own once more. Close the door on slim pickins and say some time on the day I turn 90. Sure the Montgomery Trust, lost a hell of a chunk, in 2004, but with great legal eagles, we have regained 80% of that loss. But even when times of not so much income and more outgo, we still held the pedal to the floor, never closed our doors, and kept it all wings level. How did we do it? Sheer willpower, Marine dedication, Hazzard County style tenacity, and AyreWolf precision. Holding onto old equipment, making due with what we have, not incurring unreasonable debt, staying cash only, not trusting banks, many long hours, and a bunch of online late night meetings. That’s how. Damn , sounds like we should be in politics, don’t it? Oh yes that too is on the horizon. That on my next blog. Weather is 75 degrees, much sun out, low breeze, and a JD Coke in my paws, on the front porch of Gen Andrews home here in south west Utah.

L8R Confederate Aviators


Quote of the day:
Do you realize if it weren't for Edison we'd be watching TV by candlelight? - Al Boliska
Romans 13:1“[Submission to the Authorities] Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”

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