Wednesday, November 17, 2010

FaceBook Is not as dependable as Google


So here I was, going online at the bewitching hour as the overnight hours seem to be best for going online, since the water as it is, flows through the pipe better overnight. Plus after last nights episode of SOA, was not yet ready to just go to bed.

So I logged onto my FaceBook account 3 times, and tried to answer a message from my future beloved in Arkansas without much luck. So did a reboot of my trusted computer. Nope not computer, nor Google. Seems as though FaceBook has a bit of a clog at the entry way to their pipeline.

FaceBook, is said to be the big daddy of social media, and while that may be so, if Google flexed her muscle and created a social network, it would kick FaceBook’ s ass. Since Google is much more dependable that FaceBook is. I can count on my one hand the few times, Google has failed me. The rest of the time, Google works when few others do or will.

To answer my beloved in Arkansas , the answer is yes and of course I will. But honey you need to send me things direct to my gmail, not my FaceBook, as , like I said , FaceBook ain’t that dependable.

Caught a blurb from Nurse GoodBody today, she did a gig for a brewery . See what happens, when one pays attention to ye ole Wolf? Success. If only a few others had.

In closing, I hope that one day either two things happens, either FaceBook, gets better , or sells out to Google. Can you imagine Google owning FaceBook? Other wise , FaceBook, might become another Lycos.

L8R Confederates

me wolf blog signature me and Ellie May

Quote of the day:
I had a monumental idea this morning, but I didn't like it. - Samuel Goldwyn
Psalm 119:105“נ Nun Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”

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