Monday, November 29, 2010

I’m for one, of getting the KKK back together


Not to sound racist or anything, but with all the crap going on in our Union, I’m getting to think, maybe its time to give a new lease on life to the KKK. On the border with Texas we have a heavy drug cartel threatening to go to battle, with us here in our nation. We have Arabs, Taliban, and so on. Look at that guy that tried to blow up the tree in Oregon. If INS and such can’t get rid of the unwanted, Chinks, Waps, Kytes, and spooks, that are making our nation so instable, give power back to the KKK , maybe they can fix the problem. Now that Obamabeenlyin has been certified not of American roots, maybe the KKK can fix the problem there too , long before the 2012 elections. The only draw back would be having Biden as VP, but if we plugged him, the new Republican Speaker of the House, would get things going in a better direction.

Even as the cost of just about everything has gone up, the national economy in the tank, and yet those on fixed Government supported incomes, are not getting a KOLA increase and haven’t now for two years. Boss Hogg would have loved this kind of political bootlegging, and yet few have even thought, “ Hey there is a choice here,” It’s called the Confederate National Party, part of the Confederate States of America, a campaign and passion of us here in The Knytes-of-Anarchy. There are tons of things that would be fixed if the CNP, and those besides the Knytes , who says they support it, would use their wallets, and begin to find a real candidate to run for the office of President, VP etc on the CNP ticket.

Now ever have the need to call a Government agency? Guess what, they ask you to select a language, to speak with someone. My opinion? If you can’t speak, write, and read , plain American English, then don’t be applying for aid from our Government, do not be sticking your nose in or further plugging up the system. I had to call the regional office for the FCC this Monday morning on the progress of our radio station. After having to wait nearly two hours and pushing I can’t believe how many buttons , I finally got through to the right person, but dang it, if ya’ll cain’t speak American English, call back when you can, or DON’T CALL !!!

I have said it before, and I’ll say it again, the KKK had the right idea, just went about it wrong, but perhaps they were right all along.

L8R Confederates

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Quote of the day:
A university is what a college becomes when the faculty loses interest in students. - John Ciardi
Psalm 136:1,26“[Psalm 136] Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.”

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Confucius say; he who eats bad tuna trots to toilet-AyreWolf