Sunday, November 14, 2010

Towing with eyes wide open!!


Today , as I was hauling back from a mid morning tow with a spud chip truck on back from Hailey where I got all snowy wet pulling the drive line out from the panel van for the haul back to Twinky Flatts, I got to thinking, why in the hell am I still in Idaho? At least Western Idaho. See this grand lady from Arkansas has purtty much invited me to be with here, in a sub burb of Little Rock, and I am giving even more consideration to the idea. Seein as old AD’s hecklers are back at it again, trashing me not only on their heckler site, but invading my Merchant Circle account. Which I filed with the attorney via email. He called me and said this goes beyond just a bit of harassment, but is defamation of Character and Slander. Both can not only be civil suits, but criminal. Although , I don’t know all the players, but I know enough of them that if the legal eagles can’t fix the problem, a few good bang, booms from a few well placed bang-boom explosives in the right places, would get the attention of a few of them. Hey , if they are hell bent on wiping out my operations, might as well wipe out theirs. After all that’s the Confederate way, aint it? So , I, got the clubs attorney on it, plus , I’m giving some folks with badges a call Monday morning informing them, either they put a stop to it or the Knytes, Honor Guard will. And it’ll be a real blood bath and property destruction. Trust me, it’ll be a BANG heard all over the state of Idaho. After all Dixie Towing of Idaho,is not just owned by me, but the Knytes as well, and while I may be passive the Knytes aren’t and discussions with Brother Speed and all are beginning. The results are not going to be purty.

But again what the hell am I doing in Idaho?

The simple facts are that , Idaho and Utah are safety nets. I know where to go, and how to do business here. Second, moving me is not as easy as putting everything on the back of the truck and heading south. There is Shop space that would need to be found, hangar space to be found, regulatory information to be gleaned so I could tow, there once I arrived. Office/Studio space for Southern Steele Radio, plus , just in case, a house or such , in case the lady there finds, I am not what she wants. After all , I am not, a Baptist Choir boy. I’m extremely rough around the edges and every bit a rebel and that’s putting it mildly. But, I am thinking on it. Could be an answer to many prayers, puttin me 2,500 some odd miles away from the self righteous Mormon bigots, etc that live here might not be such a bad plan. And AD; said I was racist. Best go look at yerself in the mirror AD.

But I am towing with eyes wide open.

Any myle, I’m headed for a hot bath, with bubbles and a cigar, some grub I snagged from KFC, then bed, as 06:00 hours comes early.

L8R Confederates

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Quote of the day:
A magician pulls rabbits out of hats. An experimental psychologist pulls habits out of rats. – AyreWolf

1 Peter 3:18“For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit,”

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