Sunday, November 7, 2010

Not all hate me, everybody has hecklers

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It’s been said , that all those we meet, will not all be our friends. Heck , even Bambi had enemies. If you read the blog from MHI, you’d think , all in Idaho were waiting with loaded Wolf trap. Granted, all sheep, never likes to see the Wolf prowl. Many on that site, had been barking the noise that I should get a job, settle my ass down, and pay off debts. Yet when I do, one of them has to start calling tow services in TF , to get me canned. What the real story is, is; that those butt maggots, hope , I’ll fail so they can say they won. Plus, if I did make some good green, I then could turn up the heat with the attorneys to nail their ass. Still the question needs to be asked, just what got in their craw? Okay, I got snagged for five fingering a bottle of cold shit, that was simply a oops and not meant, the way it was portrayed. However the bullshit from the dawg house of AD was going on even , before that. Did someone up in Goons Ferry, think, shit he’s going to do something kinky with someone they knew? Bullshit. I will admit, I did have the hots for one taco chick at the other food store there, until I found out she was hitched, beyond that, again , just what was so bad that I did there? When it comes to that shitty blog on MHN, when the tub of lard called me to put the thing up, I should have just told her to shut the frack up. Was it that I wanted to spruce up the local airport? Or was it that I, barked to a potential landlord about a certain landscaper, storing their equipment in space they were NOT PAYING for? Was it that I bummed funds for a can of Skoal. Ya’ll know, I would have paid that back, had I got more respect, from a few there. Now some say, I blame others for my mistakes, hey if I fuggle up, I admit it. I do everything I can to fix it. But dig this fellow Hazzard-ites, even Becky still chats with ye ole Wolf here. Ellie May calls me once a week, and I get along just fine. In fact things got better the further I got away from Ignore County.

Going towing, one does find many who no longer likes them. More over, like I have said, few sheep, like a Wolf. But not everybody hates me, and even moderately, celebrities have hecklers, even Glenn Beck , has detractors. Chuck likes me just fine, so I’m not worried much about that. As far as dropping anchor in Idaho? Not happening, but who should care, that I make some $’s so I can get me and the Wolf-Pack out of go nowhere, Idaho? AD’s buttmonkeys want me to move out, yet they open mouth to hinder that exit. Some people , really need something better to do with their time.

Any mile the race is nearly over and I need sleep. As 08:00 comes early and need to be at work, by 08:30 hours.

See ya’ll Monday night.

L8R Confederates.

me wolf blog signature  12

Quote of the day:
There are only two ways of telling the complete truth--anonymously and posthumously. - Thomas Sowell
1 Timothy 2:1-2“[Instructions on Worship] I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

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