Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cockroaches never like light

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The vermin from MHI are back at again, only this time, they are going for my jugular. Thing is, I now have some proof of the who as well as the link they targeted. The vermin claim goes from , “ It wasn’t us,” to,  “you have people who do not like you” The fact the some do not like me is a moot point, since the Merchants Circle account that you know who invaded is not one that I sweat alot about, since Merchant Circle has not generated enough sales, to really worry about. However , it is a concern , that a few self appointed advocates that think their own shit don’t stink, that feel a need to invade my world as well as that of the Knytes, is not just annoying, but one that makes one ask, Don’t these people have anything else to do in the winter? The fact that these same people are meth heads, and twice as racist and bigoted than I ever thought of being, and why after nearly 4 years they stay at it. Now their response to this will go on the idea, of, “why don’t you just go get a job?” Guess what? I did , and still have the job, but, not before the same cockroaches had to stick their noses in and call some of my associates, to get that stifled. Now for Merchant’s Circle. This can be fixed, and so on, but funny thing. For nearly two years, that Merchant Circle account ran like clock work. Yet, it wasn’t until someone stuck their beak in that a wrench got thrown into the fan. Their claim , that I have gotten booted from many free websites, is pure accident. Bullshit. until, the MHI Vermin started shitting in my oatmeal, that not only me, but the club, got booted. This time, the vermin goofed. The crap stops after the holidays, the attorneys are back at it, and since the vermin keeps it going, the statutes of limitations are not applicable.

Looking at getting something more than Medicaid. Seems as though there are some meds they do not cover. Like Aciphex. Doctor prescribed it, pharmacy declined it as Medicaid don’t pay for it. So been popping Gaviscon which helps. Doc says he wants me in the office Monday.

Feeling like a rung out rag, so headed for bed.

L8R Confederate Aviators

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Quote of the day:
The past is not dead. In fact, it's not even past. - William Faulkner
Psalm 1:1-2“[BOOK I] Psalms 1–41[Psalm 1] Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.”

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