Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Choose battles carefully cuzz


A wise person once told me, that its important to choose ones battles. More over its nearly equally important to choose one’s wars. That said, when the fight is thrust upon you, you need to plan to fight that battle for the best outcome. The ongoing feud that has been part of my personal life for over 3 years now, was not entirely of my choosing. In fact quite a few, decided that a few words that I uddered saying Yankee’s were no smarter than maggots, was particularly about them. The statement was entirely directed towards the many who were following a skunk into a pit, thinking that life was going to change for the better , if they voted for Obamabeenlyin. Many, both Yankee as well as Confederate were blinded by hype that got them to the polls to vote for a celebrity slave that should have remained that way. I was not wrong, although in many ways I wished I could and would have been. But that’s getting off course here. Ever since then and due to a continued bullshit barking from some dingleberry in Pocatello, who could not just leave well enuff alone, got an entire cyber community to declare war on both myself as well as the Knytes-of-Anarchy. Why this bunch targeted me is beyond my mind. After all all but a very , very few really know me well enuff to make an educated decision, but tend to be like sheep, following the bunch, when some real thinking might have proved to be better than beating an already tyred Wolf to near death. Once to the point I considered suicide that thankfully I did not do, but why me? In no way , nothing I was up to , to generate me an increased income to crawl out from Social Security poverty , ever really hurt anyone, in any way except me. For I tried hard as hell to give a kick in the complacency of a tiny town that had fallen on bad times. Which is not doing any better today. Cyber Bullying is a tragic crime, no matter how you spin it. Several situations have resulted in WMD attacks, on otherwise peaceful communities. The tragic killings at Concubine High School in Colorado, the mass attack at Virginia Tech, to name a few. In Utah, there are laws albeit lax, but laws that give local law the ability to go after those that commit such crimes. Both what initiated the attack from cyber bullying, to the end results from someone who just could not take it no more. Fortunately , I have much more of a tougher shield, but others do not. Yet when I raised such a thought on FaceBook previous night, I could not create a Cause for such on their Causes link. Maybe it’s the fact that if such strong laws were passed that gave the cops real ammunition to take on both victims as well as the perpetrators, that would hammer at the so called international cyber speech freedoms. I say freedom is great, even Freedom of speech, but any where else, if you bark at or about someone else that kicks someone in the groin, of them making a legal living, such laws as defamation of character, or slander can be prosecuted. And most who do , get good money for those law suits. Problem is, in cyber space, finding out who did this or that , can be as much of a challenge as finding out who committed real cyber fraud from Nigeria etc. I think there needs to be tougher laws, so that not only teens can get relief , but too, adults , if such yapping online kills someone’s business. The same folks from two really small western Idaho towns created this mess, but as usual, I’m the one being attacked. At first it was just annoying, like a mosquito, then when I was no longer giving any attention, to them, they had to go after my own business’s.

Any mile, need to go to work, so will prowl with you in the PM tonight, but know this, It is important to pick your battles Carefully.

L8R Rebels

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Quote of the day:
The truth is more important than the facts. - Frank Lloyd Wright

Psalm 119:18“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”

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