Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Eagle Eye, could really happen!!!


This could really happen to you, and it ain’t funny.

The movie that preceded SOA on FX Tuesday night told the story of the nation being terrorized through technology. Trouble is while somewhat fictional is not so far fetched. The things we view as convenience like GPS, OnStar , Cell phones, even the blooming Internet, can mean big brother can make you do shit you never would think, let alone dream to do. Yet it’ll be disguised as in the favor and protection of national security. But the fact that our Government leaders are corrupt, our laws are being circumvented to keep those same corrupt leaders in power and robbing YOU out of your rights.

Hell any more , I’m at times fearful of even turning on my computer, knowing everything I write could be taken out of context as it is frequently, and shot back at me with treason written all over it. The truth is, our nation , no matter if your Yankee, Confederate, Democrat or Republican is at risk. My father, my Mother, My step brother all died to protect our freedoms. As a member of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, a unit of the United Confederate Marine Corps. pledge to keep fighting to protect our rights, as will all Knytes members. Whether thats on the outside, or the inside looking out.

I read a thing from our member in Oklahoma, how the History Channel snubbed cable TV affiliates to not run TV ads , by the Sons of Confederate Veterans during a feature on the Civil War. Could this be a challenge by both the Republicans and Democrats, as well as the Union Government to stifle the truth? You be the judge. I have stated here more times than I have changed my BVD’s , that the only way , ONLY WAY, that the voice of the Confederacy and thus the truth can be aired is by the establishment of our own radio and TV network.

All too many , speak and voice their opinions , that is fundamental , but just barking is not going to fix the problem. Funds are needed to make this media project of the Knytes-of-Anarchy happen.

The FCC has extended the time allowed for a new station to begin operation from time of CP and license approval. To one year or until June 2011. Our app was approved two years ago. The main reason I moved from Utah to Wyoming, then to cold Idaho was not fresher pastures to go towing, it was and is to establish the radio grid for our media network for and of the Confederacy. We need you dollars now, not later.

If you truly believe in true freedom, the donate something to our cause. Details on how this can be done, can be gleaned from our members or by email to: ayrewolf@gmail.com  or by calling 208-737-9653, that’s 208-737-WOLF.

Do it today, remember the Big Brother is watching.

L8R Confederates

me wolf blog signature 14

John 1:1-2, 14“[The Word Became Flesh] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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