Saturday, November 6, 2010

Don’t crush them, restore them.

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There is an old saying among custom specialty enthusiasts that goes, “ Don’t Crush em, restore em” Then of course there are rydes that just call to you, cry to you, take me home. Sitting on Chucks car lot sat a albeit in need of work a 1987 Ford Mustang, that did just that, called and screamed take me home, rescue me. Now, the brakes need work, there is no juke box inside, some burning oil, which no doubt is a leak, as he don’t smoke , and the interior needs some serious tending to, but such is the life of a ryde crafter, or as some call it, customizer. Introducing, the General Jackson,

GENERAL JACKSON At a mere $1,700.00 the car is a good buy. A 429 Cobra Jet engine awaits installation, as well as bunch of performance up grades, but its workable.

Some of my comrades said , I fuggled up buying the car. However, while newer rydes do look better, they just don’t have the lines that I desire, cost way too much and if the newer rydes get sick, you need to be a computer tech just to fix em. Not for me. I want something that allows old skool gearheads like me to fiddle around with them and trick em out. Plus , I’m a fan of American steel. With America sending jobs and inbred technology overseas, the American economy going sour, since things on wheels are mostly Jap imports, I’d rather take a different course. Buy old American muscle, drive, trick out, and enjoy.

Like I said, Don’t crush them , Restore them.

L8R Confederates

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Quote of the day:
I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself. - Marlene Dietrich
Ephesians 1:9-10“And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment—to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.”

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