Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Sheep hate the Wolf


The Sheep really hate the Wolf. The Wolf symbolizes danger and disruption of the common process’s of thought and behavior. Here are some examples, and by the way I aint the only one looking at this, this way. Did you know that the Holy Bible does not even mention Christmas? Only the birth of Christ. But not the Day, or month. Many think its December, this comes from Pagan poison injected into Christian denominations over many centons and yearns. Next Easter, the word Easter comes from the ancient Goddess of Ishtar or Isis, the yes a Sex Goddess, the reason we pass around eggs at Easter is because it is a celebration of a woman being Fertile, but has nothing to do with the resurrection of Christ. Next, look at how we worship. Most go to church on Sunday, which in reality is the first day of the week. The true Sabbath is on SATURDAY. The part of that word is SAT or the past participle to the word sit. As in sit down and rest.

There are only two religions that I know of in true Christianity that believes this way, The Dixie Amalgamated Church , and the Seventh Day Adventists. The list goes on and on, but few will own up to the fact, that they are sinning , going to Church on Sunday. While God and his Son Jesus, and no, they are not the same one . There are two, God the Father, and Jesus the Son. Many will argue with this, but its true none the less. Have ya’ll ever considered that the reason this Yankee controlled nation is going into the Toilet is because many done went off and pissed off the Father?

Okay then.

The Father created humans with Thumbs. Have you ever thought of how much you depend on your thumb? Ever try to hold a knife and fork without using your thumbs? Ever try to brush your teeth without your thumbs? For all those people out there that love to drive and text while driving, I have a good idea, if their texting causes a wreck. Tape or secure their thumbs for 30 to 60 days. I do not own a cell phone. Have done, but no longer. I nearly caused a wreck up just outside of Glenns Ferry , I should have said adios to a Cell phone then. Later a cell phone conversation caused me to walk out of a quick store in GF, without paying for a bottle of cold medicine. I got snagged for it, paid a fine and all, but had I had no cell phone. It would have been a coke and a smile, along with paying for the $5.00 bottle of artificial Nyquil, that cost me $10.00 and more.

Last but not least, as you sit down and render thanks to Our Father in Heaven for another year during and on Thanksgiving, say a prayer for all those long haul truckers out there alone , who brought you all the parts of that Dinner, plus the table your eating it off of. More over, go out to a truck stop, and buy a lonely trucker a plate of dinner, for Thanksgiving, or even , if you know of a lonely gear jammer at home and all alone, single, divorced whatever, take a trucker a plate, to say thank you.

Remember if you got it, a trucker brought it.

L8R Confederates


Quote of the day:
Speak when you are angry--and you will make the best speech you'll ever regret. - Laurence J. Peter
1 Peter 5:8-9“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.”

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