Friday, November 12, 2010

Ya have to just wonder!!


There are times , when you need to look at yourself in a big mirror and ask, is the flight plan your flying worth the effort, or might a different course be wiser? Example; I have had some reservations about solidifying operations with Chuck’s. While Chuck’s company has a lot going for it, I also see holes in the foundation, and in my eyes I want to be more than financial cement. Then I see other things, like other operational areas. Like the Mini Cassia area, where I first stepped into Idaho, where the Hazzard thing started, and where few if any auto clubs are being served, or served well. At A2J we get at least 20 calls a day to do auto club work in either Burley, Rupert, Paul, and that immediate area. Plus the wide open spaces from that last Rupert exit to American Falls or south on I-84 to the Utah line. Hell we got three calls this past week, for two recoveries and one Dead ride near the chicken coop on south I-84. People were willing to pay , for us to run the 75 plus miles from TF, just for us. Made me think, okay, what if Dixie was there and could do the same quality work? Plus adding on a impound yard and all in American Falls to enable a Power County operation to thrive, and you begin to see that if both A2J and Dixie being partnered together might be good, for ground forces. Not a bad concept. But , I have been a sole proprietorship for the best part of 30 years and the mind asks, what if , just Dixie set up in these areas and took over territory there? Ya have to just wonder? Then of course, a recent happening that is just germinating, I made contact with a gal on FaceBook, that has all the qualities , I am looking for in a mate. Not just a jewel on my arm, or a quick one night lay, but a lifetime get together gig. Thing is, she lives in Little Rock Arkansas . Would giving to the partnership to Chuck here in Idaho, me relocating to Little Rock, and settling down with her , there and building a true southern confederate towing and aviation company, or sibling to our company be good? I mean, it would mean that I would be well away from the Mountain Home assholes, to where their barking would no longer be heard or even gave any attention to. But the mind says, what if shit fell apart there? What if she did not like what she saw? That’s one hell of a long ways, to have to retreat from. True, it would be nice to find an in between place to see where that seed would sprout or if it would sprout, before Permanente plans could be made, but again, one has to ask, would it be worth it? Ya just have to wonder? While there is months before that has to be looked into and a lot of water has to flow through the pipe, since I have a 6 month tow season to work through, but again Ya, have to just wonder.

We see.

Having my guts pulled through a itty bitty tube Friday, to get rid of gall stones, and all. Plus the pain pills, the barium, that I had to drink on an empty stomach and wanting food, yet for everything I eat, it comes up faster than it went down, I’m not navigating well, this Friday night. So, I’m off to bed, but when it comes to life in the tow lane in Hazzard, one needs to think and rethink, then Ya have to Just Wonder.

L8R Confederate Aviators

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Quote of the day:
A boy can learn a lot from a dog: obedience, loyalty, and the importance of turning around three times before lying down. - Robert Benchley
1 Peter 2:15-16“For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God.”

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