Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Some just cain’t help themselves

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There are some people who are nothing more than busy bodies that just cain’t help themselves. All summer to mid fall the pricks from MHI, kept silent for the most part. Now that its winter or really cold outside they feel the need to invade my world, slinging shit faster than the Gen Jackson at a dirt track race. Now , I’m sure , that this condition rears its ugly head , because these drunk meth heads have nothing better to do, are jealous of what both the club and us have done, under some very tuff times or all of the above. Their claims are very lame at best. They cast a shadow of doubt, yet if one were to look at records of the Idaho State Tax Commission, they would find, Dixie Towing-of-Idaho listed very brightly. Same goes for AyreWolf Communications and Southern Steele Media under the Idaho Film Commission. Okay so DixieBelle ain’t no great looker right now, but she is a real, honest to goodness tow truck. The Lady sits in Hangar 174 Bountiful SkyPark, likewise LuciBelle. Oops, must be real. They said they can’t find any listings anywhere. Well shit, if one were to grab the latest edition of the Qwest Phonebook, for the Twin Falls area, and thumb through the white pages, that is if these simpletons know how to spell, or see well enuff through their stone stupor, AyreWolf Aviation Farming is listed, hmmm, AyreWolf Radio is listed and Dixie Towing is surely listed. Although all under one phone number now since that phone book was printed and we relocated twice, but still very real. But here’s what cranks my chain. These same idiots, go on quite often barking about how bad, they want to give me the boot out of Idaho. Which, I’m busting hump to do, but instead of getting off my back like a porch monkey, so I can make the bread to get the Wolf-Pack out of here, no. They do things, say things, and poke their beaks in places that just makes it harder and takes longer for me to exit. No matter cuzz it just makes the legal Eagle’s job that much better, and easier. But what do you expect from drunk meth heads?

L8R Confederates

me wolf blog signature WE REALLY LUV TOEWZ

Quote of the day:
The truth is more important than the facts. - Frank Lloyd Wright
Psalm 119:105“נ Nun Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”

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