Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Eagle Eye, could really happen!!!


This could really happen to you, and it ain’t funny.

The movie that preceded SOA on FX Tuesday night told the story of the nation being terrorized through technology. Trouble is while somewhat fictional is not so far fetched. The things we view as convenience like GPS, OnStar , Cell phones, even the blooming Internet, can mean big brother can make you do shit you never would think, let alone dream to do. Yet it’ll be disguised as in the favor and protection of national security. But the fact that our Government leaders are corrupt, our laws are being circumvented to keep those same corrupt leaders in power and robbing YOU out of your rights.

Hell any more , I’m at times fearful of even turning on my computer, knowing everything I write could be taken out of context as it is frequently, and shot back at me with treason written all over it. The truth is, our nation , no matter if your Yankee, Confederate, Democrat or Republican is at risk. My father, my Mother, My step brother all died to protect our freedoms. As a member of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, a unit of the United Confederate Marine Corps. pledge to keep fighting to protect our rights, as will all Knytes members. Whether thats on the outside, or the inside looking out.

I read a thing from our member in Oklahoma, how the History Channel snubbed cable TV affiliates to not run TV ads , by the Sons of Confederate Veterans during a feature on the Civil War. Could this be a challenge by both the Republicans and Democrats, as well as the Union Government to stifle the truth? You be the judge. I have stated here more times than I have changed my BVD’s , that the only way , ONLY WAY, that the voice of the Confederacy and thus the truth can be aired is by the establishment of our own radio and TV network.

All too many , speak and voice their opinions , that is fundamental , but just barking is not going to fix the problem. Funds are needed to make this media project of the Knytes-of-Anarchy happen.

The FCC has extended the time allowed for a new station to begin operation from time of CP and license approval. To one year or until June 2011. Our app was approved two years ago. The main reason I moved from Utah to Wyoming, then to cold Idaho was not fresher pastures to go towing, it was and is to establish the radio grid for our media network for and of the Confederacy. We need you dollars now, not later.

If you truly believe in true freedom, the donate something to our cause. Details on how this can be done, can be gleaned from our members or by email to: ayrewolf@gmail.com  or by calling 208-737-9653, that’s 208-737-WOLF.

Do it today, remember the Big Brother is watching.

L8R Confederates

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John 1:1-2, 14“[The Word Became Flesh] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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Talk about stepping on a land mind

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Apparently there are a few of you, including some Knytes members, that a quirk in the comments I made the other day of talking about the KKK. Shows that what is read is not totally understood. That’s why I love radio, one can hear the inflection of the voice, not just the written page. With that said lets open this can of worms.

First of all , as a member and officer of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, I support our Prime Directive, in that I and the club do not discriminate, against any race, color etc. That said, I do think that protecting our population from those who would want and love to tear down this Union. While I think there is good in everyone, and folks come from where they come from, hell , I myself have Irish, Italian , Native American roots myself. Still if your in this country, and you are communicating with this country’s Government agencies , you ought to be able to speak, write, and read American English, not have to go through having to punch several buttons on the phone to get past every dialect except , American English.

The Feds are moving to weaken our infrastructure, by opening up a highway between Mexico to Canada that will run right through the heartland of this nation , an International Highway, something to do with the NAFTA treaty. This International Highway will be free of taxation to tolls, road taxes and yes domestic law enforcement control. Meaning that a load of explosives or worse could be driven  through America and not stopped until it reached Canada or the other way, down to Mexico. Since the International Highway will have exits, that allows for fuel and food. Means a truck hauling the worst possible load, could stop at a major truck stop, with a horrendous load and go boom, and it’d be disaster, Yet due to the none control provisions of that Highway, who’s inspecting at the borders? Nobody, can you say one hell of a nightmare for the department of Homeland Security? As far as the KKK, I don’t like them, at all, hell I don’t believe in the damn Arian Nations either. I don’t believe in hate of any kind, it ain’t Christian, and it ain’t me. I will not even say that if a sweet good looking gal of any race found ye ole AyreWolf their cup of tea that I wouldn’t at least sample it . More over learning of cultures and traditions of other nations is not a hobby of mine. I relish learning anything I can from what ever source. I have traveled around the world, seen many things, but I do say , if you live in the USA, why not become a citizen of the USA legally, as well as culturally, that means learning to read, write, and speak , OUR language? That’s what I was getting at.


I’m sorry you found our logo for Dixie Towing, of the southern rebel flag with a tow truck in the middle, distasteful. Not that we have not spent I don’t know how many thousands of dollars we as a company have spent with you, and buying your products. It’s not the first time you have seen that logo, on checks and order forms, so why bitch now? That Confederate flag, unlike the KKK, which I’m not exactly in love with, but the Confederate Flag is not one of hate. To me and the Knytes-of-Anarchy, that Confederate Flag means the reverence and love of our Confederate States. Anyone who can’t see past that is more narrow minded and in a way racist themselves. Acceptance goes both ways. Thing is in closing, here. Folks really need to read what is written and try to look past their noses at what is meant not just written.

Remember the season finale of SOA is on tonight. It’s on FX, 23:00 hours our time and its a 90 minute episode.

Last weeks episode was a wrencher with more switchbacks than Idaho highway 55 between McCall and Boise.

To: Our; Nurse GoodBody who seems to be under the weather with tummy troubles, you are in my prayers , hope ya’ll get to feeling better soon.

L8R Confederates:

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Quote of the day:
Furious activity is no substitute for understanding. - H. H. Williams
2 Peter 3:10-11“But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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Monday, November 29, 2010

I knew my last blog would get people cooking


Before I get into what I meant, I need to define this a bit.

My last blog , got people ratchetjawin and that’s important. Now to clarify, I would never ever go to offing the President, or his staff. VP or otherwise. What I meant was and is, if the President is not a native born American , lets pack him up and send him to the nation he came from, just like we would do with anyone else that is not of native soil. Lets make Americans first all foreigners second, and if they are too communicate with USA Government officials , make em speak American English. As far as being racist, not in any way am I, as I would not care if the President is a African American, or a Vulcan. If they can be REAL native born American’s and can do a better job, so be it. What we have now is uncontrolled spending, a detraining economy, increasing expenses, this is going to be wyldfyre if something is not done soon.

I’ll be back in later, but I need to thaw. It’s been tow, tow, tow, all day to day. I’m frozen and I need to get warm.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the day:
Far from idleness being the root of all evil, it is rather the only true good. - Soren Kierkegaard
Psalm 136:1,26“[Psalm 136] Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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I’m for one, of getting the KKK back together


Not to sound racist or anything, but with all the crap going on in our Union, I’m getting to think, maybe its time to give a new lease on life to the KKK. On the border with Texas we have a heavy drug cartel threatening to go to battle, with us here in our nation. We have Arabs, Taliban, and so on. Look at that guy that tried to blow up the tree in Oregon. If INS and such can’t get rid of the unwanted, Chinks, Waps, Kytes, and spooks, that are making our nation so instable, give power back to the KKK , maybe they can fix the problem. Now that Obamabeenlyin has been certified not of American roots, maybe the KKK can fix the problem there too , long before the 2012 elections. The only draw back would be having Biden as VP, but if we plugged him, the new Republican Speaker of the House, would get things going in a better direction.

Even as the cost of just about everything has gone up, the national economy in the tank, and yet those on fixed Government supported incomes, are not getting a KOLA increase and haven’t now for two years. Boss Hogg would have loved this kind of political bootlegging, and yet few have even thought, “ Hey there is a choice here,” It’s called the Confederate National Party, part of the Confederate States of America, a campaign and passion of us here in The Knytes-of-Anarchy. There are tons of things that would be fixed if the CNP, and those besides the Knytes , who says they support it, would use their wallets, and begin to find a real candidate to run for the office of President, VP etc on the CNP ticket.

Now ever have the need to call a Government agency? Guess what, they ask you to select a language, to speak with someone. My opinion? If you can’t speak, write, and read , plain American English, then don’t be applying for aid from our Government, do not be sticking your nose in or further plugging up the system. I had to call the regional office for the FCC this Monday morning on the progress of our radio station. After having to wait nearly two hours and pushing I can’t believe how many buttons , I finally got through to the right person, but dang it, if ya’ll cain’t speak American English, call back when you can, or DON’T CALL !!!

I have said it before, and I’ll say it again, the KKK had the right idea, just went about it wrong, but perhaps they were right all along.

L8R Confederates

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Quote of the day:
A university is what a college becomes when the faculty loses interest in students. - John Ciardi
Psalm 136:1,26“[Psalm 136] Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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Confucius say; he who eats bad tuna trots to toilet-AyreWolf


Don’t tell all you know.


Even when its sub zero the members come together at Knytes Hall and I’m greatful and thankful that happens each month. Some were still on away missions with family, but for those that were here , it was better than okay.

I fully agree with the rest of the leadership of the club, that way too much 411 or as the geeks of the X generation say it TMI, goes out about the inner workings and all of the club, only to be devoured by the MHI hecklers. So as the wordsmith and mouthpiece of the club, I will only put out what's needed and required and nothing more, until the SSL site is 10-24. Then a greater range of FYEO 411 will be dispatched.

Since I have not fired LiL Dixie in a couple of days, don’t know if he’ll crank today. As best and good as they are, those Optima batteries are not so Optimal. More like optional. And only in really warm weather. Thinking of adding a second battery this month, but it means, putting General Jackson into service a bit early. Still need to work out the bugs and kinks on him as well, but hey, when you buy any ride under $3k, expect some things to not be as would be in a newer or less miles ride. That said, once all is wringed out, that 2.3 4 will get me around much better to explore new turff. Going to float an ad in the local paper on the Fund raising for KDXB/ CSTVN , this will be one way to test the market. If nobody, or none contribute, we then know that radio in Buhl is not worth the worry, and to be getting ready for the relocate come May or June, rather than September 2011 as would be otherwise. Even then finding a body to manage the thing, at least to Hazzard standards is going to be tuff. There just are not enuff people in the immediate Buhl area, that knows enuff about both Hazzard, the modern Confederacy, and the club to make that truly meld together, but I as commanded, will endeavor to do the best I can. Enuff said on that.

L8R Confederates

me wolf blog signature our wonder woman

Quote of the day:
To err is human; to forgive, infrequent. - Franklin P. Adams
Psalm 136:1,26“[Psalm 136] Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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Bad tunafish eaten on empty tummy gives one the runs-AyreWolf


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tiz the season to be going towing

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Awoke this morning to snow on the ground, and while no big earth shaking deal,even good ole Dixie Towing got two slide off’s and two stuck. Thankfully no wrecks , at least on our end.

When it snows in Hazzard County , I’m reminded of two songs, one is from Alabama called, “Christmas in Dixie” the other one is from C.W. McCall , called Roses for Mama. Oh yes I know, Red Sovine sang the song as well.  During this time of year, while B E A you Tee Full, is also a time for sorrow for ye ole AyreWolf. It’s that one time of year that , I am reminded that I am indeed alone. At least only partly. As I know Kahless is walking beside me.

Now I knew this freight train was coming down the traxx , so let me outline my thoughts here. While forming a he & she bond between the gal I met online here is an added bonus with the gal in Arkansas , its not the only thing. The basic plan is to come down there, get to know you, maybe stay a short spell, find ME a place to live, shop, hangar etc. If it clicks between her and I, great. If not, hey we had a few laughs, good times, but I get out of the land of Yankee stupid, in MY OWN PLACE !! As it is a big jump. From being independent for what now 25 years or so, to a built in completely assembled family. As it is, albeit not generally known, a 4 legged wolf as I am as well is not a lone mammal. A wolf is a community type, as such needs a pack, or family.

While the conditions of my life is a bit more complicated than many, as I have a career and a life, sharing that life with someone entering my latter laps of the race of life is desirable. Now the press and media, sprout match making, websites say you can meet the love of your life, and while risks are great, since men going to see a gal, can mean hearing the words from behind a blind, “Hi I’m Chris Hansen from NBC NightLine” or worse. The reverse of this is seldom if ever portrayed. Since it is assumed that men are always the aggressor, never the victim. I beg to differ there, but that is a subject for a different blog entry. Long, LONG, before, I’d really serious with any gal, from experience, I want to really, REALLY, know someone well, before I even consider any kind of physical union, in any way, both emotional or sexual. It’s one thing to cast talent for films, TV shows, radio station promotions etc, its another thing to get really personal. I have made friends this way, two of which I truly treasure, one lives in nearby Jerome Idaho, whom I really enjoy her company , as well as the friendship with her husband and kids, heck occasionally we go to church together. The other lives in nearby Caldwell, same thing, I like her, as well as her husband and kids. But I draw the line between employee and someone personal. So honey from Arkansas you need not fret none, it’s not JUST YOU that , I was coming down your way. Spending time with you would only be a bonus.

Sure hope the plows get out soon, but oh yes, Tiz the season to be going Towing.

Feeling a bit better today,but still feeling a bit weak, but am getting along okay.

L8R Confederates

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Quote of the day:
I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves. - Ludwig Wittgenstein
Psalm 95:1-2“[Psalm 95] Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.”

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Some dayz I yearn for a rebel biker gal-AyreWolf

Friday, November 19, 2010

Animals that are sick wants to be left alone!!

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If there is a condition of a situation it is that all animals, even mammals who when sick or not feeling well , just want to be left alone, to lick wounds or at least heal. Such has been the condition of ye ole AyreWolf here for nearly a week. Now of course , health care providers say my acid reflux will pass, since it is just my body adjusting to the constant flow of bile into my stomach since my surgery last Friday. However , I’m not so sure. The same situation reared its ugly head last year , after I ate some contaminated food at the Skinny Pig in Bliss, in April. That might have been the kick off. Could it be subsequent meds I have been taking since? Like for my DVT or just a switch in atmospheric conditions. Considering change of seasons. I can remember years ago at the outset of what began as mere gallstones then, that caused a operation to rip out my appendix, any time the weather changed, I’d get sick. Then after a few weeks, all would be back to normal. Is it , eating at places that are not fully cooking food right? Is it that just the people at such places in trying to save some money using ingredients not exactly fresh? Or is it just something that crawled up inside of me?

What ever it is, for those who care, especially my soon to be honey in Arkansas , it isn’t that I am not aware you care or are worried, its just I am not in tune and I need time to heal.

Snow is predicated for the weekend, and DixieBelle is ready to handle the load.

L8R Confederates

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Quote of the day:
There are people who, instead of listening to what is being said to them, are already listening to what they are going to say themselves. - Albert Guinon
Psalm 1:1-2“[BOOK I] Psalms 1–41[Psalm 1] Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.



Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cockroaches never like light

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The vermin from MHI are back at again, only this time, they are going for my jugular. Thing is, I now have some proof of the who as well as the link they targeted. The vermin claim goes from , “ It wasn’t us,” to,  “you have people who do not like you” The fact the some do not like me is a moot point, since the Merchants Circle account that you know who invaded is not one that I sweat alot about, since Merchant Circle has not generated enough sales, to really worry about. However , it is a concern , that a few self appointed advocates that think their own shit don’t stink, that feel a need to invade my world as well as that of the Knytes, is not just annoying, but one that makes one ask, Don’t these people have anything else to do in the winter? The fact that these same people are meth heads, and twice as racist and bigoted than I ever thought of being, and why after nearly 4 years they stay at it. Now their response to this will go on the idea, of, “why don’t you just go get a job?” Guess what? I did , and still have the job, but, not before the same cockroaches had to stick their noses in and call some of my associates, to get that stifled. Now for Merchant’s Circle. This can be fixed, and so on, but funny thing. For nearly two years, that Merchant Circle account ran like clock work. Yet, it wasn’t until someone stuck their beak in that a wrench got thrown into the fan. Their claim , that I have gotten booted from many free websites, is pure accident. Bullshit. until, the MHI Vermin started shitting in my oatmeal, that not only me, but the club, got booted. This time, the vermin goofed. The crap stops after the holidays, the attorneys are back at it, and since the vermin keeps it going, the statutes of limitations are not applicable.

Looking at getting something more than Medicaid. Seems as though there are some meds they do not cover. Like Aciphex. Doctor prescribed it, pharmacy declined it as Medicaid don’t pay for it. So been popping Gaviscon which helps. Doc says he wants me in the office Monday.

Feeling like a rung out rag, so headed for bed.

L8R Confederate Aviators

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Quote of the day:
The past is not dead. In fact, it's not even past. - William Faulkner
Psalm 1:1-2“[BOOK I] Psalms 1–41[Psalm 1] Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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