Thursday, September 24, 2015

Who said those words were bad anyway?

Just who said those words were bad or nasty any way? Remember the thing from legendary comedian George Carlin of the 7 words you can't say on TV? Seems any more those same words including blaspheme words of taking the lords name in vein, are now completely acceptable. The word FUCK which is in reality a term that is Fornication Under Charles the King, but it was never meant as bad. What's wrong with SHIT? I can understand although these days even on the Disney channel its acceptable to say poop , Cunt, being on the list, but is that any worse than Fish Taco? Pee or Piss, I can't remember a time when men refrenced the words Hey guys I'm going to tinkle now". Yet we can't describe what it really is relieving the main vein. The list goes on but just who stood up and said these words are bad? Try as I might looking over every religious texts and the Bible, I can't find one reference of Jesus saying, SHIT is a bad or filthy word. Sure some words are such that they're not in good taste, and in some places offensive, but the words themselves are not. And why do we always say, I'm going to go and take a shit, or piss? Since I'd be hard pressed to really take a load of shit with me anywhere. For that matter taking a shower. Where are you going to take it, I'd rather leave it myself. 
Went with Vern to do some tasks for the Church today. Apparently there were too many volunteers and not enough tasks, so Vern and I got put in charge of some janitorial duties. On my sneezing and coughing. I found all the time I was in Ogden, infact Utah, I never sneezed or coughed once. It was only as we climbed the hills coming back to Evanston that I began symptoms of the flu. Did see a few things via a side trip by Vern through Morgan, Utah. Not only has Morgan gotten bigger, but Vern showed me a place there he used to live in , that has a price tag of only $200k. Needs some work, but deserves further investigation. For me in both the tow and Bike shop, as far as towing, it would be go where there is no towing service, versus, Evanston with a reducing population, and 10 tow services to compete with. Again needs more snooping.
Again needs some looking into, but rather than build a radio station etc in Evanston with few to no ad base, why not Morgan where Ogden could be leveraged? 
Pics to come next week. For now LexiBelle stays in Idaho until I get my feelers out and determine just if in fact the idea of Evanston as far as I'm concerned is worth even doing. Can ya'll say MoWeba?