Tuesday, September 1, 2015

We are the Original Hazzard County Chamber of Commerce

As I get ready to call it a day, and turn in so I can do something productive today, I look back on our grand organization and think back on what we started with, and what we have became. Without going into a big speal of ancient history, if it was added all up, by both membership, loyalty, dedication and even money, the Knytes would have to be at if not the top of the chain as the original Hazzard County Chamber of Commerce. There has been no other organization that has spent more effort nor financial resources in the preservation and promotion of Both a TV show as well as the lifestyle that was its core. Of Course I'm talking of the Dukes-of-Hazzard. What makes this so damn frustrating and it is, very seldom are we gave credit, or even a salute from those who claim to be fans of the show. 
The Knytes never did get into the idea of using the core premise or roots of the Dukes or the community called Hazzard, to make money, or to line our own pockets.  Although the original writers of the Dukes as well as its pilot movie the MoonRunners , were from New Jersey and NYC respectively, the core of the story lines resonated with 20 gearheads in a very small rural town west of Twin Falls Idaho, called Hagerman, that has as its history the nick name Hazzard Idaho. Those 20 gearheads, met in a small malt shop style place there in Hagerman in the fall of 1982. Ate pancakes and Polish sausage, and drank a lot of soda and coffee. By the end of that evening, by both state charter and commerce registration and tax commission, the Hazzard County Knytes Kustmz Association was formed.  It wasn't until 2008 that a modification of the organization's name was made to the Knytes-of-Anarchy that now hails as the Knytes of Dixie. That all said, while Outlaw in the way we build radical rides and stimulate a thought provoking mindset, still we never ran drugs or promoted the use thereof. We never vandalized or caused people pain that did not deserve it, There's a big list, but the Knytes-of-Dixie is not in and of itself a motorcycle club, although there is a lot of an MC that runs through our organization. What we are is 50,000 super fans of a TV show and its story line preservation organization, and that includes fighting for the preservation and reverence of Southern culture. More over we are 50,000 men who just love down home grassroots built hot rods, Harley and Indian Motorcycles, big rig over the road trucks and vintage military aircraft and helicopters. That is the Knytes-of-Dixie. Until later as I can't hardley breathe just let me leave you with this; The Knytes-of-Dixie formed and are the original Hazzard County Chamber of Commerce.
Keep it Tween The Ditches.