Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hazzard Idaho is like an LDS Temple, once you go there you never leave the same as when you arrive

This weekend is LDS Annual Conference in Salt Lake City. Those who have had the honor to go inside an LDS Temple knows that few if any other experience is quite the same. I say few as there just might be an equal. Lying between Buhl and Hagerman Idaho is a place of 158 people, mostly farmers involved in both field hay and aquaculture production(raising trout and yes aligators. Settled by long time Confederates of the south in escaping the great war of invasion called the Civil War, with neighboring communities of Tuttle and West-Point, is the town of Hazzard. Hazzard has more sunshine and warm temps that just about if anywhere else in the region. Little in the way of internet access although its there, and cell phone coverage is sparce, but its the feelings and total escape from the outside world including the calamities and stress of the American Union. Most days, its fish in the morning, tool on a rod or custom afternoons, get out the fiddles and shine and its life in a very slow relaxed lane. People in Hazzard know how to get things done and help each other, most come running when there is a problem, and all treat each other as they would want to be treated. Critters of all kinds live in Hazzard, its not uncommon to see a deer feeding off the front lawn or see a golden Eagle nesting on one of the lower ledges surrounding Hazzard. Many hours can be enjoyed, just sitting on an old fallen log of a tree, watching birds of all kinds, and whether they do or not , most think in Hazzard that those birds and critters really understand what your talking to them about. Worshiping God, well that goes without saying. Sitting in several meeting places, people get out their guitars or fiddles, sing hymns and read from the bible, everything you can imagine does and most likely will happen in Hazzard. Yes, Hazzard Idaho. It may not be an LDS Temple, but just the same once you go there, to either, you never leave the same way as when you arrive. Hazzard is not just a place on earth, its a place in your heart and soul, and why I treasure the fact that I was born and raised there.