Friday, September 18, 2015

Due to Circumstances beyond my control No HazzardAyre Radio this Afternoon

Due to Circumstances beyond my control, no HazzardAyre Radio this afternoon, computer problems here. However we will , rather I will be on the air online overnight on HazzardAyre Radio starting at midnight.
As I close, also want to say thank you to Judy at Wal-Mart here in Evanston, for aiding me in finding my Goody's Headache Powder. Seems as though there weren't any in the usual place so Judy went back in the back and found me a box. Which with today, I needed it. Also want to take my hat off to our competitor in Radio here in Evanston KNYN looked at their redone website, and I do say I was impressed, so yes, I'm going to find out who built it, and have them do one for us and the Knytes-of-Dixie/HazzardAyre Radio.
To summerize, no HazzardAyre Radio this afternoon due to computer problems but will be on overnight starting at 00:00 hours(12:00 midnight).