Monday, September 7, 2015

Confederate Star Television

Television for the 50 to 80 demographic, not the usual 18 to 45 year olds. The trouble with most television stations, networks and systems is the target demo, is that 18 to 45 year old youngster. This is not a bad thing, but how about us who long ago, had the wetness behind our ears dry up and now spend more time watching TV especially TV and cable, channels. Where 70% of our day is spent in front of a standard good old digital converted TV set. 
Sure there are many networks that have figured this out somewhat, networks, like Cozi, MeTV, Insp, and a few others, but there's some that have yet to recognize there are us older folks watching, and are looking both for entertainment that is not a reality show, or a contestant based show like You sure You Can Dance or America Has Talent. Bullsbreath. Lets see more westerns, one hour dramas and especially movies aimed at a more male audience. Not bagging on LMN or a few others, but damn it all to hell something better than movies about some mentally deranged 30 something out to kill their best friend because she did the bed room nasty with their guy pal. Of course there's the kid nappers. All the rest, no wonder there are so many crazed out women out there. LMN puts these ideas in these womens heads, and it shows up on the ID DISCOVERY channel as a Dateline mystery. How about a channel that ran video and programming geard towards the southern confederate minded CSA gearhead male. Like the Dukes-of-Hazzard, BJ & The Bear, and other similar shows. Less screwing in the bedroom with women no real to life male will ever meet, let alone get in bed with, and news with a slight bias towards southern heritage, and education.
The list goes on here, but SouthernSteele Media is in talks with several television cable services to create a thing called ,(what else?) Confederate Star Television.  CST will be based out of western Utah, and will be up on Galaxy 5 by end of 2017. 
And as far as the morning show? Yes sir, it'll be HazzardAyre, in studio with cameras. HazzardAyre Radio will move in part back into metro Utah where the pipeline is faster and the Human resources are more plentiful. 
Watch here for deets.