Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Relentless pursuit of attempting to make a silk purse out of a pigs ear

First understand the Mr. Nice Guy has done the Elvis groove and left the building so to speak, the blind charity of the Knytes and myself will no longer transpire. Reason? I don't like taken advantage of, more over getting fleeced. Last month with still a bit of cushion, I assisted some gal on the Evanston Classifieds that was selling everything she had to pay a water bill. So Good old me, as much of an asshole as many think I am, but I reached out and helped. Now granted I should have held onto the money order reciept, but hey you think, nothing of it, until I started seeing my bank account drain. I learned my lesson.
Okay then, there is this ongoing need and policy of the Knytes, that says leave or help a community better off than you found it, and if it makes the club a few bucks fine. if not at least we can say we did our Heavenly part. The community of Evanston got its ass handed to them by a flim flam con artist, that swindled a bunch of money out of a bunch of people over the re-establishment of the old Radio station here. So The Knytes looking to establish its own station in southwest Wyoming began the process of sinking our efforts into a good old southern fried radio station. We still are in that fight. Then I went to the local newspaper. Tried to get some ink written on the club and our efforts here. Of course the local news rag of Evanston said no. Wouldn't even let us place a paid news story in the paper. Really, serving the community is not the high point of the Uinta County Herald. Any local paper that is charging nearly $20.00 per column inch, that's not a major news paper is just plain stupid. Heck the old Times News of Twin Falls Idaho doesn't charge that much and they are a real daily newspaper. So what to do? Fire up our own local paper. Since the original publication of the Knytes was based on the always seen local on the TV show the Dukes-of-Hazzard was the Hazzard County Gazette we decided to recreate that and in 1998 after the club purchased a local publication based out of Gooding Idaho called Monkey Bizzness, the Hazzard County Gazzette(mis spelled on purpose) was born. It was in 2003 in Morgan Utah that The Hazzard County Tymez as an extension of the Hazzard County Gazzette was created. The readership, has previously been by in club membership only. However with the township of Evanston and immediate area looking for something better and an independent read, unlike the Uinta County Herald that also runs papers out of both Lyman, and Kemmerer Wyoming. Why should anyone spend $1.50 for a local paper? When they can subscribe to and get delivered twice weekly a newsprint paper for free? The financial support is like HazzardAyre Radio, by advertizing support, not subscriber support. 
Next time, the Knytes Chronicles what the Knytes are, and what we are not.