Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Stephen Colbert show sucked and who are all these women on adding me to Google + ?

So with the battle won with AllWest and over medicating I woke up originally to grab food. So ingesting my micro dinner I watched the replacement of Late Night with David Letterman, aka the Late Show with Stephen Colbert. My opinion it sucked. Simply put the premier show did not live up to the hype, and about 1-1/2 segments I turned to FX and watched White House Down. Don't expect anything long term on the Stephen Colbert gig on CBS. I'm going to be interested in seeing the numbers from the initial show. 
Okay then am in talks with a new service that promises a better delivery for HazzardAyre Radio and all that is involved there. Its a condition that I have made my mind up to. Yes I'm still involved in our current shop for HCC/Highway Hooker Toewing, but my main focus is doing what I need to, to complete the mission I moved here to Evanston for and have went through the closest example of Hell on Earth for. HazzardAyre Radio/KNAK AM. No more, no less.
Then I'm seeing a bunch of women adding me to their Google + Plus Circles. My question is who are they really? Two why me? and 3; want to help me, send and contribute money to the Hazzard County Memorial Fund. See ya'll this evening on HazzardAyre Radio, on: at 23:00(11:00)PM .