Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Relentless pursuit of Perfection myred in too much manure, Welcome to The Knytes Chronicles

Greetings from the Wolf's Den, still no voice so no HazzardAyre overnight, but looking to doing a new set of shows, very soon, and will try this afternoon. Or this evening.
The Knytes-of-Dixie from its inception as the Hazzard County Knytes, in 1982, has always had the same moto as the USMC, Do or Die, or as Star Wars fans say it from Yoda, Do or Don't, no try. There is always the pursuit of perfection, although there are times when that pursuit get's myred in manure. Too many Chiefs, not enough Indians. Or in our case at times, too many civilians, not enough Marines. 
Unlike many organizations, once your accepted as a member and especially if you attain the coveted spot as a patched member the only way out is death. There is no, just go away, no kind exit. You are a a Knyte till death. 
One of my new associates at the shop, does not take to the reverence that is the club. In my view the club is everything. Its not the glory of the Patch, its not the women, parties, or the bikes and/or trucks. Its more than that its family. Granted its 80% currently deployed protecting this idiotic thankless nation, from people who would like to nuke the hell out of this Union, but when a symbol of the club, even in joking, is disgraced. It may be excused once, but no more. One's Father said that the Dukes-of-Hazzard was GAY or a Gay show. I don't think he knew how near to me smacking him in the jaw he was. But as Jesus said it, I forgave him as he knew not what he did. So therefore its excused this time. 
What this new crew does not seem to understand, is the only reason, I'm pouring money into this shop and this stubborn, arrogant, stuck up, idiotic community is the club, aka (also known as) The Knytes-of-Dixie. It's the Knytes that decided they wanted a radio station here, and its the Knytes that wanted the shop and a club house here. So I'm in it. If it were not for the club, after February this year I would have been long gone from here. But I am here and nothing short of success and completion will be satisfactory. 
See Ya'll this evening on the radio.