Thursday, September 17, 2015

If it ain't us who would do it?

If it ain't us who would do it? To paraphrase an old KSL PSA, If we don't do it, who will? As it was said then. As I awoke this morning I found my treasured LMN on my cable as well as RFDTV and a few others were not tracking right. So I did all the standard diagnostics but the problem existed still. Thinking its got to be the bad weather and all figured a problem at the head end of AllWest must be fuggled up, I gave them a call. So as usual the problem was escalated to a level 2 tech and I'm pretty sure that the condition will be repaired later in the day. A few of the housewives will have no doubt have called in by then. I used to think that we were perfect and all others were antiquaited was on our part arrogant. In the last few months I have found, especially after we had to convert from WIN 7 to WIN10 that we are not as infalable as we thought. I spend more time dealing with IT problems rather than producing quality radio. However AllWest alone is not to blame although having a real live person in a control room and the system being local in Evanston would help, I have seen even the big giants from Comcast, Cable-One, even any of the satellite networks mess up as well. The technology has not matched the demand yet, and the ancient TV model is a bit antique to say the least. Which is why I love radio. Not just the biggest digital set ups, but the old fashioned systems as well. Speaking for example, as I saw a movie that dramatized this yesterday on LMN. A massive solar flare struck Earth, all GPS, and other so called advanced systems were off killter. But to save the day an old fashioned Chevelle Malibu, with a carb and shaft fuel pump was the only thing that ran. Likewise when TV was pretty much line of site, and old style if something went wrong and ANYTHING mechanical will fail, its the dirt of the thing. One could usually fix it without having a need for a NASA degree. Just a hammer, duct tape, and a multimeter was required. Today you need to be a IT systems tech rather than a nuts and bolts engineer. 
So I made the call. And as said pretty much got the attention of the who that needs to repair the condition. If its toys for totts , feeding the needy, finding a runaway, batteling child porn and/or abuse, the list goes on, but its usually an MC(Motorcycle club) that is at the heart of the solution. If its not us, If it ain't us who would do it?
See you on the radio this afternoon.