Monday, September 7, 2015

TV ADS SUCK and bad news good news

There are amongst many TV ads that really are bad. But there are many that stick in your mind as very creative. One was unearthed during the Southern 500 Sunday, where Mean Joe Green and the kid exchange greetings over a Coke. Question is why can't the TV ad agencies, production companies and all produce these style of ads today. Is it just cost or lack of daring creativity? Or maybe its the age of instant satisfaction, that prevents such gifts in bringing to products the kinds of daring ads we used to enjoy, and get us to BUY products.
Okay the bad news and it has to do with my health. Over the last week I have went through more coughing and pleguim hacking than you could imagine. I couldn't even go to church for the last two Sundays, nor could I even go to the Doctors, as I was just too sick. But I also have began to see that even though the furnace is still boiling inside of me, the snow on the roof is telling me, that I need to look into limiting my daily routines. But there is more. If it was one or two I could see maybe its their devices. But I hear from way too many that our shows on is not able to be seen , much less heard. So for a month or so we will be doing limited edition airings, as we look at finding a streaming service that's specific for radio audio streams, as well as build the website that the stream will enhance, or vice versa. No we're not dropping Livestream, but we are going to do some searching and trying some new services that can carry and deliver the radio station, for unlimited hours, not just 3 or 4 like we are limited to on . The other thing I have began to conclude is for the radio gig to run as a complete radio station we need more people to go on air and deliver the same style of product or show as I do when I am able to. This last week or so I had every intention several days to get in and do the radio gig, but my voice was gone, and there were days I could barely see as my vision was blurry through one eye as it was watering. The bottom line is too: Now that I'm doing a shop and towing service here , I come home and all I want is TV,food,bath, bed. I need more involved in the radio station to make it work to where it'd make money. That requires some on air talent that sadly isn't very abundant if available at all in Evanston Wyoming. So I'm looking for radio people, any body out there?
Any mile we'll be off line for a few weeks as we do some re-engineering here in search of a suitable streaming service for radio .