Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Knytes Chronicles For September 2015

As the last episode of OutLaw Chronicles was airing on the History Channel, I was really getting preturbed at that narator having to describe every scene. I wanted to tell them shut the frig up, will ya? We can see what's going on. But of course the History Channel has no comment section. However I don't think I'm the only one that is disappointed in many of the new season premiers .  The Big Bang Theory was a let down and many have commented so on Facebook. NCIS wasn't much better, but usual in scope, and of course the two big new show pilots have not met the hype. Sure even today, the networks haven't recovered from the Writers Guild Strike of 2008, which ushered in more reality TV, which for many TV networks and producers are easier to produce, since Reality shows require little if any scripting. It's all Cookie Cutter and even radio has fallen to this. Consider it the Monkey see, Monkey do, syndrome . One has success with a program or format, the others have to follow. This is what makes such shows as Sons of Anarchy, The Dukes-of-Hazzard and a few others, because they both were fresh, new, and hadn't been done before. Maybe that's what makes our radio show HazzardAyre Radio different, in that nobody can put the show into one catagory. Its new, fresh, and unpredictable. The same will be, as our media parent, Confederate Star Media, rolls out HazzardAyre TV, in a year. 
Of course we do it different, we fight the system, That's the Hazzard County way, of doing things. 
More on the show in the morning, starting at 05:00 hours.
Until then