Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Wet but busy and pretty bad when the only good TV on at 3AM is the Disney Channel

Its wet outside, things look to becoming white in less than a month, and my mind is figuring that as much as I try, and have tried, its time to finally say I'm done. Haven't made that decision completely , but I will say, the month of October will be spent fixing my own rides, getting one moved to Twin Falls where LexiBelle is at, and fix the General Jackson, stick through the end of my lease here, finish up what I can and then get my rear end outta here. I know I have said that before, but I've just come to the conclusion that no matter how much I spend here, I'll never make an impact so why? I have no family here, I have no real friends here except one and my Bishop, I am not romantically involved with anyone here and can't see that ever happening here, I keep draining my shallow bank account, going without, and not getting anything out of it. I don't know if the shop is making money or not, but I haven't seen anything not even a mere $20.00 or so from my investment. This morning and all day Monday I got serious reminders of why the arrangement isn't working, and a simple twinkle, that got me to thinking. I woke up at 09:00, guy needed a tow, had to turn it down, why no LexiBelle. Same thing 4 other times Monday, granted not a lot of money, but at least some. Yet for the damnest reasons in a town with equipment all over the dang place I can't find one single person, associates, friends of associates, a member of the LDS Ward I go to, nobody to run over to Twin Falls to bring back LexiBelle over on a trailer. Again the only reason I need to do it that way, is to not have to register and insure LexiBelle twice, once in Idaho and then over here in Wyoming. But can I find anybody to give in and help on this ? No. But then I get albeit small , my sweet Erin sent me a text wishing me a Happy Jewish New Year. I'm not Jewish be she converted. But that small twinkle says she's still interested and having that hug, and kiss once in awhile, the weekly or bi weekly coffee dates, the going on walks and hikes, but mostly someone for me to sound off to. Having a caring sound board that I can talk to, is worth more than any amount of money I could make here. Plus in western Idaho when I run into a snag I have Charlie and Rick at A1 , that's something I don't have here. So I'm looking very seriously, at going home, it depends on what happens in the next month, but I am at a point at saying God, I've had enough take me out of this fight , because the fight in this Wolf is just about used up.
Now then, as I finalize this, its pretty bad that the only thing worth watching at 3:00AM is the frigging Disney Channel. Sure I like the shows, shows, like Jessie, and Wizards of Waverly Place, are okay since the lead characters in both are of legal tender age. However, Dog with a Blog and even Girl Meets World, are lets say questionable at best, on the Legal tender ladder, so my question to all the cable and satellite TV content producers/networks, how about providing programming for adults and overnight movies that used to be the main staples of cable/satellite (PAY) TV? 
See everybody on the Radio Wednesday.