Sunday, September 6, 2015

Still under the weather and I should have trusted my gut

It's Sunday, and while I'm on the highway to recovery, I still have an increasing rasp and cough. With taking a number of medications, I'm still so under the weather a radio show and hardly a run to the shop is not or barely possible. But will try to do Radio Monday morning. Last week or week ago Tuesday, I got my monthly pay from UCSMC. Good pay shop rent get everything going there on the direction it should be. However, I also had a feeling in my gut, that keeping the money in my pocket, packing up and head to Twin falls to rebuild there might be a good idea., However and I want this to be crystal clear. I have two of the most devoted and trustworthy people I have ever known riding herd on the shop. However its the community. As Friday I got this nasty letter from our dear friends at AllWest,. That said I again was delinquent in my bill. I ask what? No response. Guess the AllWest people had to skeedaddle for Labor Day. Here's the deal, I was told when I called them in mid July that if I paid $220.00 that I would be all paid up. Some person there named Mandy or Mindy, took off $180.00 So on July 31st and I have the reciept, I paid the $220.00 . Thinking all is okay and not getting a bill till last Friday, I called them and told them that I needed to work out a payment arrangement and figure out why my bill was so damn high. I was told I'd get a response Friday afternoon, no response. Now I'm not saying I'm dropping AllWest as with the radio station and all I can't and have no alternative. However still can't AllWest get my bill straight and straightened out? So going past AllWest. On Friday some guy from U.S. Labor Laws by the name of Frank, calls the shop. Saying we need to shut down and all. Here's the thing. The lease and all to the shop, the phone number is listed with Highway Hooker Toewing, and the question is why did the Labor Law revenuers not call me? My thought is, we are making a competitor very nervous and that competitor is impersonating a Federal official. Reason I say this, is that the entire company is owned and operated by the Knytes-of-Dixie(Anarchy) MC, and as such is not subject to Labor Laws. As anyone there is a independent contractor. We have no employees. We only charge for shop time and parts, NO LABOR. Funny we have been operating like this for nearly 25 plus years and no Fed has rang our bell yet. I am thinking something is stinking and it ain't me or my skid stained BVD's. 
Any mile that's my weekend.