Monday, September 28, 2015

don't Tease me let me read the whole thing.

For those who care and saw this on Face
 Doesn't this look much more classy?
 Classy and sensious gets it every time. Maybe some magazine editors might soon get the idea. Of course there's those who write publications that give you a headline, then invite YOU to READ MORE, yet you go to the website of theirs to READ MORE, and you see that there is a not here sign up that says Expired or not published yet. Really? Then why the heck put up the teaser? It's just like some TV networks, that get the idea that a new pilot TV show will be on a certain date, but it does not get quite edited in time, so the TV network has to do damage control and put out messages that extends the teasers. Its strange the not as transparent world we live in. On one hand everything is political correct , but to make sure the dirty diapers of both those politicians, as well as those just gotta have in your face ads for cable tv, covers their butts from law suits, there's disclaimers. I have an idea friends, be honest, then you don't have to do damage control. Aaron Tippin said it best in a song a few years ago, saying" Whatever you do today, you'll have to sleep with tonight" Our planet is in terrible shape. We have entire continents of people fleeing their homes, dieing of hunger, thirst, and illness. There are millions in a nation around the other half of our world living high on the bore, and yet the in between, is so confused and confounded, that they believe there is no way out. That no matter who we vote for in the next election, it wont matter any how, both Republicans and Democrats are so corrupt, that their arm pit stench will make you hurl. There is an answer besides the obvious. Prayer is the number one answer, only Heavenly Father can cure this planet, and I'm afraid for those who think that the time for his return is a long time off, its sooner than ya'll think. However in the meantime, and time is not a luxury, we in the United Confederate States of America, need to get us up a candidate and put those things together to be able to run a UCSA candidate in the next election coming this next year. If you believe as I do, that we as a nation, of God loving people have had enough, and are tired of the clowns running for office, we need to get organized, much more so than we ever have in the past. It's time that this
 flew again .