Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Please cure my sniffles SOMEBODY

I done woke up several times today, caught these bad sniffles and runny nose so bad all I could do is use the bathroom, grab a nose rag and sleep, so I can shed this gunk, so I can get into gear here. So got to readin the Farmers Almanac been readin that there magazine for now to 30 plus years now. And it sure does have the exact 411 we all need and in a way us southern kountry folk can curl up to. 
So been workin up some courage, might have to injest some courage liquid style here in a few, but thinkin of moving this radio station gig back down Utah way, and me, and just coming up a few times a week or so to work in the shop, but the rest of the time, stay and reside in say Morgan, or Ogden area of Utah. That way I can enjoy the fruits of both places. The fact that even though we have the repair work, but not the money for the parts to do the work and while we could, its kinda hard to ask the customer in advance for parts money. However this is not why I been thinkin about a bit of push back. As ya'll know two three days ago I was all hip and holler about staying put and building a company. But the crap over a simple thing like the bizz license here, sending a cop here, is just a bit too much. Lets see, here now. Ran the radio station and aviation firm in Ogden Utah no business license, nobody bitched. Ran the radio station in one of the most obvious place in Woods Cross Utah, no business license , nobody bitched. Ran the Reaper in Ogden no liquir or brew license nor business license nobody bitched. In fact up until yesterday ran Highway Hooker Toewing here and at least three cops knew about it, without a business license, again no bitching. So here's the thing, I think, somebody like an inside person at our shop, or a competitor has their nose out of joint, called city hall, city hall reacted , I get a visit from the fuzz. Sure I'm all for buying the business license, just waiting for the Wyoming tax commission to send me the app and all for my state tax number. Once I have that , we buy the bizz license. That's not the problem, all too many have known we were here doing commerce, and yet now just start bitching. Naw something smells and it ain't me, nor that cattle wagon next door.
That said the club and I for the shop to bloom needs an outside source of daily cash to survive, either the radio gig, a bar/grill, or something and for those to work, that needs to be where, the money is flowing like milk and honey, and that's Utah, at least metro Utah. So I say I go down there and uncover what I can uncover, then in November go get LexiBelle, and go from there.
Any mile kicking back today with cold meds to get rid of the sniffles.