Monday, September 28, 2015

Another day done, shop is clean and ready to get busy

The shop is now all nice and clean the mess from the weekend all picked up and the PT Cruiser inside ready to get some work done on it so we can make a few dollars. Outside of two Bubba and Purdy trophies one on the side of a Ford truck that needs to be finished or buttoned up and sent outside, until the work can proceed, all is well with the shop. Bills and rent will be coming up due this week and next, my partner and I agreed, that staying put in the shop we have is the best course of action, and if the third wants out there's another wanting to jump in that is all bike and custom minded, so we see what happens throughout October. Much to do this month, the biannual inspections of equipment , the annual renewal on license plates, and all, plus my recertification and all costs money. Not to mention going over to get LexiBelle. Of course the radio gig needs to get going again, and so it goes, we are getting stronger. Guess a few people that decided to bail a few months ago, including one young lady that thought her rear end didn't smell, and one that loved to bad mouth the club and me, long before she gave it a chance to gain traction now wish they could rejoin forces with us, but hey there's only one way that's going to happen. Still looking for Tammy, to try to recover equipment if it can even be recovered. Wish she could be recovered, Tammy had a go get it spirit that I could really use right now.
Interviews for Miss Hazzard County Choppers, 2016 starts next month, likewize getting ready to head to Lost Wages, Nevada for SEMA. 
Thanks to Dark Horse, Skoal is on the horizon.
Feet are tired, back hurts, and its shit, bath, bed.
But at least the shop is clean.