Friday, September 18, 2015

KNYN FM of Evanston Wyoming may be the Dog of radio, but only HazzardAyre has and is the Alpha Wolf of Wyoming Radio

B4 I get into my rant here, I'd like to ask the various morning News shows and networks, one question, WHERE'S THE NEWS? I'm not talking tabloid or pop culture fluff news, but the hard news, that we want to know about that might have happened overnight while many slept. Again, FoX News Channel, CNN, CNN-HeadLine News and even locally KSL NEWS AM, Where's the news? 
Okay then. There are many in radio or employed by radio stations that are into it just for the money or the paycheck. Or maybe a bit of local something. My thing is there are some of us in it for the pure love of the medium, the art of Radio, the mixing together something long ago forgotten by LOCALLY OWNED Radio, and most Pandora, IHeart and other online platforms, personality radio. They took out the announcer and plugged in the computer, and its just music. Nothing wrong with music, but how about plugging back in someone(hey I'm for hire) into local or even network especially on demand online radio ? Lets bring back the panache of radio, lets pull in the announcer and not make it so pre recorded and not so much automated. True some rural and small markets have few if anyone to draw upon or even hire. But when a known talent(me) walks into a local on air station, and says that he would work there absolutely free of a wage for a year, if they'd put me in their studio, if I brought higher ratings and income to the station great then discuss a wage after a year, if not I depart, no questions asked. And you still don't get a call or an invite in for a serious talk, about being one of their on air staff, then its more about someone who's only in it for the money, not the art and love of Radio. Here would be a perfect match, one of our Locally Owned Radio stations here in Evanston, goes by the call letters KNYN or Canine . I remember a TV station out of Boise called KNIN  same idea. But The idea of a station called Canine, and me the AyreWolf Wolf as in the ultimate canine its a perfect match, but do I get a call? No. Okay then KNYN Might be the Dog of Evanston, but only HazzardAyre Radio has the wolf,(me) the AyreWolf .
Okay then two off topic items. Some fat gal on ABC's The View barked yesterday about a contestant for Miss America, coming on stage to relate that she was a nurse and stress the need for awareness of Alshiemers . Really? As a Military Marine Combat pilot, and all I can tell you that caring nurses, and what they provide in relation to comfort, support and a crying shoulder, cannot be so easily dismissed. I think the View needs to apologize to this contestant, and even have her on the View to tell her story. Last but not least At first I was all for a new person in the White House. Sure we all blame Obama and he's the holder of the tiller of this nation, but its also all the career politicians in DC. I say its time to bring the spirit of Dixie
 back into the mix. I saw this clip of the dare of the one Lady Presidential candidates, dare Hilary Clinton to watch the clips of what is going on with Planned Parenthood Clinics. Selling unborn babies for their body parts. My faith and my just moral beliefs says this is not a person I'd want in the big house in DC, more over Trump ain't either. Lets draft Ben Jones aka Cooter from the Dukes of Hazzard to run. I'll for sure tell you, he'd win.
I'll be on the air at 13:00(1:00PM) today after my voice gets a bit better this cough and all has really made my wind pipes and vocal muscles mighty sore. But I'll Get there.
So in Closing, KNYN FM Evanston Wyoming maybe the Dog of radio in western Wyoming, but only HazzardAyre has me the AyreWolf, the alpha canine . I'm nationwide.