Tuesday, September 15, 2015

500 Facebook Likes and a cheer for our logo does not get it done WE NEED MONEY!!

Every day I read and notice that the United Confederate States of America Facebook page has 500 likes, and is growing. Which is all well and good, but one and most of ya'll need to know that the UCSA was built by, supported by and for the majority, is for the Knytes of Dixie(Anarchy) MC. It's our political party. No more and not much less. Yet so many say they like what we are doing they are in favor of or like. Again I say this, if you like us so dang, much dig into your wallet and send us a donation, so we can get the voice of todays Confederacy our radio station/network, both on the regular airwaves as well as online. So we can buy new equipment, hire on air talent, and promote the station, and as well as the UCSA and the Knytes. I see these Go Fund Me things all over the place I have concluded that the majority of those are honored and supported if its some minority woman usuall Mexican, with 3 or 4 kids, in some super metro area . But its really difficult if possible at all to get a GO FUND me campaign going for people or an organization that supports the modern confederacy, more over those of us working to preserve southern pride, history and our southern bred way of life. We are not trying to copy Dixie Broadcasting . com, Ray McBerry did one heck of a job with that. Too bad it went into the manure pit. Thing is thing of the same thing, but LIVE 24/7/365, a bit more spicy and as tangy and twangy as Georgia Bar-B-Que. And why do this in Wyoming or Idaho? Simple, the entire union of America is looking and hungry for a miracle to revive a nation that is sufficating on its own arrogance, stubbornance and putting the Bible on the shelf and living by the law of not only the jungle, but the ways of savages, not the SUPPOSEDLY intelligent human beings we are. That path that hand of deliverance that lifeline IS the modern Confederacy and the United Confederate States-of-America. But we can't do it without the financial support of all those who say they LIKE us on Facebook etc. So to close,
If you REALLY , LIKE us and what we are all about, dig deep, send $100.00 or whatever you can to: UCSA, care of The Knytes-of-Dixie 96 East Hayden #C202 Evanston Wyoming 82930 . 
See you on the radio, www.livestream.com/hazzardayre