Thursday, December 3, 2015

As Sheriff Roscoe would say, " I have good news and bad news" .

As my luck, which here lately has been really bad would have it our main computer took a real heavy shit, and refuses to operate. Culprit seems to be Keyboard error, although I went to our local Wal-Mart bought a new one stuck it into every port there is for such and its still stuck. So for a time there wont be any HazzardAyre Radio on any of our channels, on Livestream until I get the old computer repaired. 
The good news? I'll keep you informed on matters of the re-emerging Hazzard Knytes, that is being carved out to be part of the Knytes of Dixie, here next year. I'll be doing the blog just not the radio gig, until Mike out at Cajun Computers comes over and does his magic if any can be done at all. Maybe its time for a custom computer to be built on a new frame. But just so ya'll know we is off the air on HazzardAyre, until further notice.
Okay then, speaking of broadcasting. Two new things popped out this morning. One looks as though KTVB-7 out of Boise , couldn't reach an equatable agreement with DirecTV so DirecTV is pulling the plug on KTVB-7. Dish consumers can still get it as well as over cable and all but not on DirecTV, maybe KTVB needs to raise their ante a bit and agree to the higher price. Ya'll think? Next got a midnight crawl from our director of op's in Oregon, looks like HazzardAyre TV will in fact become light. Yes sir, this means a full Hazzard themed TV channel will be on, on Dish Network come 2017. This means, the Dukes-of-Hazzard will once again hit your TV, along with other shows like BJ & The Bear, Ironside and a few others. And yes , also Airwolf. But we can't do it alone. We need every Dukes fan and supporter, to pitch in. To get our TV network back on, plus buying the rights to the Dukes-of-Hazzard, from ViaCom aka CMT. So every Dukes fan and supporter, dig deep, if we get 100 of ya'll to donate $100.00 we can reach the goal of getting the channel up on satellite, and build studios, transmission systems, and station operational equipment. The more you donate, the more we can do faster. 
To donate to the Save Hazzard fund, send check or money order for $100.00 to Save Hazzard Fund, care of The Hazzard Knytes, 96 East Hayden #C202 Evanston Wyoming 82930 or for more information call 307-679-7209. 
Our friend at the Boars Nest , Tracey Duke, says that Antenna TV is eyeballing the series, but it wont be in the control of Dukes fans or be cared for like it will be by us as members of the first and real original Dukes fan club, the Hazzard Knytes. 
Until L8R Ya'll try and have a good day.