Monday, November 30, 2015

What if you really went to the headquarters of either Google or Facebook to gripe about something, would they let you in the building?

Okay, let's say you had the means and ability, to fly or travel to Silicon Valley , aka Mountain View or Palo Alto California, to go into either Google or Facebook, to seriously upfront and very personally meet with the little fartknockers that wake up one day , go in and mess with YOUR content, YOUR business page and bites the groin of your money generation process? The big question, is would either Google or Facebook's security, teams and or people even let you go in the building, and even if you got in, would you get to have a sit down with the supposed to know individuals that is causing you a headache? I have threatened and considered going to the main source of these tech giants, and giving them a attitude adjustment, but the thought hits, would they even let me in. The same goes for other just gotta have tech things. Verizon, which if there was a better choice I'd jump on it, here in Evansgone, Wyoming . But I'm stuck, with what I got. There's a small company in Idaho, based out of Pocatello, called Syringa Wireless. That is 100 or better light years beyond Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, or any of the rest of them, and trust me I'm looking at paying off the bill up there and having that as a back up. But thing is seems as though as big as some of these firms get , the worse their customer support and all is. If Syringa Wireless, ever did expand into Wyoming, I'll guarentee ya'll this, they'd nearly wipe out the two local and the two dealers of Verizon, here. Any mile much to do, going in, getting some shut eye, but the question needs be asked, if you did go to the homes of Google or Facebook, would they let you in the door?