Saturday, December 26, 2015

Economic improvement, if it can happen in Idaho, could it happen in Evanston Wyoming?

In less that 10 years Mini Cassia, aka Burley, Rupert, Heyburn , and Paul Idaho, has began a real turn around in its business climate. Young's/Bonanza Motors is expanding, to a state of the art vehicle retail firm, typical agri- based business's are locating there and even the Knytes are eye balling the area once again, but the question is, for all this visionary improvement going on , on the near border of Idaho/Utah could the same thing occur on the border of Utah/Wyoming, mainly Evanston Wyoming? I say it could, but all the right people need to be on board and those who shun anything out of the box as far as companies or venture investment execs need to quit thumbing their noses and open their arms. The condition simply says, rather than strangulate something new and continue to put balls and chains on the heels and ankles of those busting hump in inject new industries, local Government and yes even religious leaders need to climb off the backs and loosen the chains that bind of those looking to create new enterprises. Just because does not blow their noses in the same hanky you do, does not mean that the other person, has cooties. The other person just might have a key idea, or giving the bird to our Utah neighbors, when their financial prowess not more than 80 miles away might just be the thing we in Wyoming and most importantly Evanston could use and should take advantage of. 
When the Knytes just a month and year ago, came to Evanston despite a mess of junk, looks at a bikers bar, radio/tv station, and even a custom bike shop were things that we as a club looked down upon. Okay maybe the marketing was a bit fowl, considering putting the hottest lady eye candy by some rides and then put that , not only on a website, but on regional and even domestic TV venues. But hey we were looked at as if we some sort of evil porn company. But hey we are not giving up. Expansion on Hazzard County Choppers, Bob Detailing, Rowleys Garage, Highway Hooker Toewing is already in view and nearly on target, KKOD FM/HazzardAyre Radio has just received its conditional FCC license, and will be the ONLY FM radio station, licensed in EVANSTON, and to EVANSTON. HazzardAyre TV is on target, for construction and will be on the bottom floor of the old City Hall building on Harrison here in Evanston, while KKOD FM/HazzardAyre Radio will be on the top floor. Question ? Why is it just us that can see the silver in amongst the dark gray clouds that hang over Southwest Wyoming? Oh and the question of what about the Reaper Club? Look for that in the fall of 2017. But and its a big BUTT 
    why is it that only southern Idaho got the message and we as an economic driver being resisted? The answer Sunday Afternoon. HazzardAyre Radio will be on air Sunday night and WyldAyre Radio Monday night into Tuesday morning.