Saturday, December 5, 2015

Okay so I have type 2 diabetes

Friday was bad in fact Friday was a day that nearly put and end to ye old Wolf here. About noon got really sick to my stomach, with nothing more than a few Nexium tabs in the house, thought , take two of these, hit the rack but found that in reality I had a diabetic episode, at least that's what the nurse practioner at the hospital told me. If I had not gotten to the hospital in a few moments that I did, I could have slipped into a diabetic coma and could have died. Hey I love building bikes, going towing and yes flying, but this recent thing tells me, even at 57 years old this old Wolf needs to slow down. I need to get rid of the stress or at least lighten it quite a bit, and just take my time. So this morning did some looking and found a set of shops that are less expensive, and cost less to operate each month. One even has an overhead crane. So looking into that. Hey I love my partner in the shop, Rick is like a brother to me, but I need to sit back and figure out where I'm at. This $900.00 a month, and all, again unplugged $40.00 from my bank account to the point now I'm overdrawn $60.00. I can make that up by the end of the month, and I'm expecting any day now a interest payment of $5k, from the reorganization of the Montgomery foundation. But that could happen soon or later in the month. I'd rather spend that $5k on my truck and shop, rather than a funeral, while not scared of death I'm in no way wanting to hurry up the process. So need to reduce the load a bit. 
So okay, I have type 2 diabetes, that means taking my meds on time, and daily, that means eating right, good bye McDonalds, I need to eat at home, the foods that wont shift my sugar levels over 450 like it did yesterday. Any way going to bed again for a short time, so I can get at things.